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Esoteric Order of Dagon
Zine | |
Title: | Esoteric Order of Dagon |
Publisher: | |
Editor(s): | Roger Bryant (mailings 1-14), Joe Moudry (mailings 15-26), Bernadette Bosky (1979), Mollie Werba (Burleson) (1980-1987), S.T. Joshi (1987-currently) |
Type: | APA |
Date(s): | 1973-ongoing |
Frequency: | quarterly |
Medium: | |
Fandom: | H.P. Lovecraft, Cthulhu Mythos |
Language: | English |
External Links: | |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |
Esoteric Order of Dagon is an APA dedicated to the discussion of the writings and life of H.P. Lovecraft. It was founded in 1973 and is still active.
The membership of the EOD (which continues to exist today) is theoretically limited to thirty-nine members; on those rare occasions when the membership is full, prospective members are placed on a waiting-list.
Throughout its long history, the membership has wavered between twenty-five and thirty-five. This sounds like a paltry number, but the EOD has had an outsize influence on the development of Lovecraft scholarship, chiefly because it allowed for the initial distribution of material—by such noted figures as Kenneth W. Faig, Jr., Ben P. Indick, T. G. L. Cockcroft, R. Boerem, Peter Cannon, David E. Schultz, J. Vernon Shea, George T. Wetzel, and numerous others—that subsequently achieved much wider dissemination. The “mailing comments” that members wrote in response to various articles published in the a.p.a., especially in the 1970s, created a sense of dynamic ferment that, while at times descending to the petty vindictiveness that has always characterised fandom, was on the whole positive and illuminating. [1]
- Abaddon by David C. Smith
- Ab-Satthaqua by Sutton Breiding
- After Midnight by Reg Smith
- Amethystine Hippocampus by Derrick Hussey
- Annex by A. Langley Searles
- Asrar Nama by Roger Bryant
- The Arkham Advertiser by Scott Briggs
- The Arkham Anchorite by Joe Moudry
- Batrachos by Randall Spurgin
- Bromion by Fred C. Adams
- The Bush Work Inquirer by Claire Beck
- Charnel Glyphs by Larry Baker
- Continuity by Scott Connors
- The Criticaster by Steve Walker
- Crumbling Relicks by Chet Williamson
- The Cry of the Cricket by Roger Bryant
- Crypt of Cthulhu by Robert M. Price
- Cthulsz by David E. Schultz
- Cyaegha by Graeme Phillips
- The Dark Messenger by Crispin Burnham
- Darkness Over Providence by Lawson W. Hill
- Dee-arr-enn by Doug Nathman
- Drake's Potpourri by David A. Drake
- Dunwich Dreams by Eddy C. Bertin
- The Dunwich Inquirer by Chuck Harmon
- Efforts from Churning Fingers by Randall Larson
- Eldritch Leanings by Will Hart
- Eldritch Queer by Wilum Pugmire
- The Eltdown Shards by Arthur Metzger
- EOD Letter by Ken Faig
- Fantasy Commentator by A. Langley Searles
- From the Dark Spaces by Paul Berglund
- Gruesome Cargoes by Tom Campbell
- Hesperia by John Gates
- The Hunter of the Dark by Barry Hunter
- Ibid by Ben Indick
- Idiot Chaos by Wilum Pugmire
- InBENdick by Ben Indick
- The Inhabitants of the Lake by Bernadette Bosky
- Ken’s Kit and Kaboodle by Ken Faig, Jr
- Kommati
- Ko-Song by Loay Hall
- Letters from Leng by Robert M. Eber
- Litterae Dagonis by R. Boerem
- Lovecraftian Euphoria by Wilum Pugmire
- Lovecraftian Ramblings by Kennett Neily
- The Lunch Bag by Chet Williamson
- Magic Lantern by Christine Pasnen and Harry Morris
- Maggotsville News by Mark Sprague
- Mantichore by Leigh Blackmore
- The Miskatonic by Dirk Mosig
- The Morgan and Rice Gazette by Donald and Mollie Burleson
- The Moshassuck Review by Kenneth Faig
- MS by Robert Weinberg
- Mutatis Mutandis by Alan Gullette
- Nemesis by Michael Roden
- The Neophyte by Scott Connors
- Night Gaunts by Mollie Burleson
- Nightgaunt (France) by Adam Joffrain
- Nocturne (aslo listed as The Haunter of the Mail) by Harry Morris
- Nodens' Notebook by Douglas Anderson
- Notes from Allanor's Castle by Howard Duerr
- Notes from the XIIth Legion by Sean MacLachlan
- Nuclear Chaos by S.T. Joshi
- Obsequial Incubi by Mark Sprague
- Odd Stories by Tom Collins
- The Outer Dark by Bill Wallace
- Outre by J. Vernon Shea
- The Outsider: Howard Phillips Lovecraft by R. Alain Everts
- The Pauper by Wally Stoelting
- Prologue by Eric Carlson
- Psychotic Episodes by Dirk Rausch
- Queer Madness by Wilum Pugmire
- Red Viscous Madness by Leigh Blackmore
- Roger's Revenge by Roger Bryant
- The Search for the Nameless City by Robert C. Culp
- Selected Scribblings by Peter Cannon
- Sepulchral Spawnings by David Oreno
- Spectral Analysis by Gary Kimber
- Starry Wisdom by William Fulwiler
- Submission for E*O*D Mailing by Dave Drake
- Tales of the Lovecraft Collectors by Kenneth Faig
- The Terrorist by Alan Gullette
- Tooth and Nail by Jim Webbert
- The Unnamable by Meade Frierson
- Unquiet by Tim Collins
- The Western Front by Alan Gullette
- What Is Anything by S.T. Joshi
- Whisperings by Stuart Schiff
- Wulkins by Mark Alessio
- Yaanek by Dave Schultz
- Yawning Vortex by Perry M. Grayson
- Zarfhaana by Glenn Lord
- many others
The Official Organ or “memberzine” of the EOD, at various times titled The Cry of the Cricket (edited by Roger Bryant in 1973-1987) and Nuclear Chaos (edited by S.T. Joshi from 1988), included the titles and author/editors of the publications included in the mailing, the membership roster listing active members and updates and reports from the APA editor.
Fred C. Adams - Mark Alessio - Douglas Anderson - Reed S. Andrus - Jonathan Bacon - Larry Baker - Frank Bambara - David Bass - Tommy Bass - Michael Beasley - Claire Beck - Paul Berglund - Eddy C. Bertin - Cliff Biggers - Leigh Blackmore - Mike Blake - R. Boerem - Bernadette Bosky - Sutton Breiding - Scott Briggs - Roger Bryant - Donald Burleson - Mollie Burleson (Werba) - Crispin Burnham - Tom Campbell - Peter Cannon - Eric Carlson - Tom Collins - Andy Conder - Scott Connors - Robert C. Culp - Charles Di Donato - Edward Dorn - David A. Drake - Howard J. Duerr - Robert M. Eber - R. Alain Everts - Kenneth Faig - Mike Feinberg - John A. Finkbiner - Meade Frierson - William Fulwiler - John Gates - Peggy Gemignani - Perry M. Grayson - Jay Gregory - Alan Gullette - Loay H. Hall - Chuck Harmon - Will Hart - Ralph W. Hedge - Lawson W. Hill - George S. Howard - Barry Hunter - Derrick Hussey - Ben Indick - Adam Joffrain - S.T. Joshi - Gary Kimber - Charles Korbas - Randall Larson - Glenn Lord - Sean MacLachlan - Arthur Metzger - Harry Morris - Dirk Mosig - Joe Moudry - Doug Nathman - Kennett Neily - David Oreno - Christine Pasnen - Margaret Angley Pearson - Graeme Phillips - Robert M. Price - Wilum Pugmire - Joe F. Pumilia - Dirk Rausch - Peter Reichensperger - Michael Roden - A. Langley Searles - Ken Scher - Stuart D. Schiff - Larry Schroeder - J. Vernon Shea - Chris Sherman - David E. Schultz - Richard Small - David C. Smith - Reg Smith - Mark Sprague - Randall Spurgin - Frank Stauf - Wally Stoelting - Steve Walker - Bill Wallace - Jim Webbert - Robert E. Weinberg - George Wetzel - Chet Williamson
Mailing 1
June 1973
The Cry of the Cricket #1 - Toward a greater appreciation of H.P. Lovecraft: The analytic approach - Errata [for above] - The Moshassuck Review #1 - The Friar's Tale - Page One - The Dark Bride - Yimkin #1 - The Unnamable #1 - Nocturne #1 - Page Two - The Road to Dunwich - Asrar Nama #1 - From the Outer Dark - Ka Yi Ess - A visit with Lee Brown Coye - The Outsider: Howard Phillips Lovecraft - Tales from teh Shunned House #1 - Batrachos - Notes, comments, and random thoughts on the rats in the walls - To the members of HPL APA, Greetings - Tooth and nail #1 - Page Three
Mailing 2
August 1973
- The Cry of the Cricket #2 - The Unnamable #1.5 - Dirk Mosig E*O*D #2 - The Outsider: Howard Phillips Lovecraft [#2] - The Bush Work Inquirer - Asrar Nama #2 - Ibendick - The Exploits of the King of Pell - The Four Faces of the Outsider - Roger's Revenge #8 - MS #6 - The Moshassuck Review #2 - Odd Stories - Yimkin #2 - The Readers Always Write - Miskatonic Echoes - Azathoth - Bromton #1 - A Letter to My Fellow Members - Tales from the Shunned House - The Moamrath Accumulator #1 - The Ghashlycrumb Tinies - Tooth and Nail #2
Mailing 3
October 1973
- The Cry of the Cricket #3 - The Bush Work Inquirer #2 - Dee-arr-enn #1 - Lovecraft in Spanish [listed as Miskatonic Zine #1] - Rehupa flyer - Ali Baba and the Forty Scholarly Researchers Errata [and] Miskatonic Survey Questionaire [listed as Miskatonic Zine #2] - The Unnamable #2 - Asrar Nama #3 - Miskatonic Echoes [#2] [listed as Miskatonic Zine #3] - Ibendick #2 - The Addinsell Place - Another Miskatonic Zine? [listed as Miskatonic Zine #4] - Roger's Ninth Revenge - Literae Dagonis #1 - Bromion #2 - The Poke Salad Days Chronicle - A Miskatonic Book Review [listed as Miskatonic Zine #5] - The Moshassuck Review #3 - Submission #2 - Nocturne #2 - Mailing Comments--First Mailing - Odd Tales #2 - Batrachos #2 - Yellowed Memories #1 - The Outer Dark - Fantasy News - The United Co-operative #1 - Magna Deum Mater - Stuart David Schiff - Tooth and Nail #3 - Self-protection and the Great Old Ones
Mailing 4
December 1973
- The Cry of the Cricket #4 - The Bush Work Inquirer #3 - The Charnel House - Miskatonic Ramblings - Kay Yi Ess [#2] - Submission for E*O*D Mailing 4 - MS #7 - Transient #7 - Results of the E.O.D. Election for Official Editor - The Esoteric Order of Dagon's 1st Annual Member's Choice Awards - The Unnamable #3 - Inbendick [#3] - Dee-arr-enn #2 - Bromion #3 - The Lunch Bag - Magna Mater Deum [#2] - Microac Reprint - Roger's Eleventh Revenge - Odd Tales #3 - Untitled - Tales from the Shunned House #3 - Yimkin #3 - The Party at Faust's Tavern [illustration, listed as 'Two Christmas Pictures'] - The Birth of the Saviour [illustration, listed as 'Two Christmas Pictures'] - Tooth and Nail #4 - Asrar Nama #4 - The United Co-operative [#2] - Minncon Report
Mailing 5
February (Candlemas) 1974 (141 pages total)
- The Cry of the Cricket #5 - The Bush Work Inquirer #4 - The Unnamable #4 - Untitled [#2] by Chris Sherman - The Arkha Anchorite #0.1 - The First E*O*D Yearbook by Roger Bryant - Inbendick [#4] - The Outer Dark [#2] - Litterae Dagonis #2 - The Executioner by Chuck Harmon - Submission for E*O*D Mailing #5 by Dave Drake - Roger's Revenge #15 - The Miskatonic - Asrar Nama - Dee-arr-enn #5 - Spoor Anthology flyer by Fred C. Adams - Whisperings - The Lunch Bag [#2] - Poems by David E. Schultz - The Outsider: Howard Phillips Lovecraft [#3] - Tooth and Nail #5 - To the Acolytes of the EOD by Fred C. Adams - The United Co-operative [#3] [unofficial enclosure]
Mailing 6
May 1974 (351 pages total)
- The Unnamable #5 - The Cry of the Cricket #6 - The Miskatonic - Addenda to the Miskatonic - Letters from Leng #1 - Inbendick [#5] - Inbendick Strikes Again! - The Children of Ahasuerus by Ben Indick - Hedgehopping #4 by Ralph W. Hedge - MS #8 - The Lunch Bag [#3] - From Beneath the Depthless Abyss by Chris Sherman - Asrar Nama #6 - Roger's Revenge #17 - From the Dark Spaces #1 by Paul Berglund - From the Antient Hill #1 by Charles Di Donato - Yellowed Memories #2 by Rich Small - Litterae Dagonis #3 - Submission for E*O*D Mailing #6 - Brotherhood of the Lefthand Path by Bob Culp - Dream Shadows by Mike Feinberg - Zarfhaana #1 - Nocturne #3 - The Sampler by George S. Howard - Howard Phillips Lovecraft: A Selection of Photographs from His Family Album by R. Alain Everts - Dee-arr-enn #4 - The Dunwich Inquirer - The Arkham Anchorite #1 - The Forbidden by Frank Bambara - Whisperings [#2] - The Necromimeocon by Stauf - The Dark Messenger #1 - Unquiet #4 - Marginalia by Mike Blake - Tooth and Nail #6 - Miskatonic Survey Questionaire [unoffical inclusion]
Mailing 7
August 1974
- The Cry of the Cricket #7 - De-Pressed? - Dagon Speaks! - The Moshassuck Review [#4] - The Cthulhu Mythos on Film - Ab-Satthaqua #1 - Bush Work Inquirer #5 - A Wierd Tales - Brotherhood of the Lefthand Path [#2] - The Beauty and the Beast - The Miskatonic [#2] - Roger's Revenge #21 - The Dunwich Inquirer #3 - Asrar Nama #7 - Addenda to the Miskatonic - Inbendick [#6] - The Eltdown Shards - Dee-arr-enn #5 - Whisperings [#3] - Litterae Dagonis #4 - The Arkham Anchorite #2 - The Lunch Bag #4 - The Outsider: Howard Phillips Lovecraft [#4] - Cthulsz - Bromion #3.5 - Tooth and Nail #7 - The Outer Dark #4 - The Miskatonic Literary Archivist #1 - Minncon Invitation [unofficial inclusion]
Mailing 8
October 1974 (309 pages total)
- The Cry of the Cricket #8 - Encounter by Frank Bambara - Abandon #1 - Abbadon #1 - Arkham South Books by Mouldry and Frierson - Letters from Leng #2 - MS #9 - Phantom Poet by Sutton Breiding - The Moshassuck Review [#5] - Odd Stories #4 - The Dark Messenger #2 - The Arkham Anchorite #3 - Skoal #3 by Chris Sherman - The Miskatonic [#2] - The Scientific Gazette, volume 10 #11 by H.P. Lovecraft - The Pauper #1 by Wally Stoelting - Inbendick #7 - The Bush Work Inquirer #6 - Esoteric Order of Dagon by Bob Culp - Dream Song by Peggy Gemignani - The Unnamable #6 - The Neophyte #1 by Scott Connors - Zarfhaana #2 - Submisssion for the Hallowe'en, 1974 Mailing of the E*O*D by Dave Drake - Supplemental to Abaddon #1 by Dave Smith - The Haunter of the Mail [listed as Nocturne] - Roger's Revenge #24 - Asrar Nama #8 - Whisperings #4 - Litterae Dagonis #5 - Tooth and Nail #8 - The Outsider: Howard Phillips Lovecraft [#5] - Dream Shadows, volume 2 by Mike Feinberg - Batrachos #3 - The Sampler [#2] by George S. Howard - Lovecraftian Ramblings - From the Dark Spaces #2 - A Winter Solstice Greeting [illegal post-mailing] - Dear Fellow E*O*D'er [illegal post-mailing]
Mailing 9
February 1975 (412 pages total)
- The Cry of the Cricket #9 - The Second Annual Charles Dexter Awards by Fred C. Adams - The Unnamable #7 - Abaddon #2 - Mailing comments on E*O*D Mailing #8 by David C. Smith - The Eltdown Shards #2 - Vertere #3 by Chris Sherman - H.P.L. Meets Marshall Cavendish by The IlloEgal One - Ibid [#1] - Bromion #4 - The Neophyte #2 by Scott Connors - Black Wolf #15 by Sutton Breiding - Old Bones, Issue A - Sweet Dreams by Randall D. Larson - The Second E*O*D Yearbook by rOgEr - The Dark Messenger #3 - The Papyrus of Nphrn-Ka Ra [listed as Esoteric Order of Dagon] by Bob Culp - The Lunch Bag #5 - Letters from Leng #3 - Vertere #4 - News from Doubleday by Doubleday - Progress Report I of the Committee for the Necronomicon by Ralph W. Hedge - Bubbles and Blasphemies #1 by Reed Andrus - Cthulsz - Lovecraft: A Biography dustwrapper by Doubleday - After Midnight #1 - Notes for Nine by Claire Beck - Dee-arr-enn #6 - The Outer Dark [#5] - Dream-shadows, volume 3 by Bill Wallace - The Arkham Anchorite #4 - Drake's Potpourie of Advertsing and Copyrighted Fan Fiction - The Miskatonic [#3] - Tooth and Nail #9 - Whisperings #5 - The Dunwhich Inquirer [#4] - Some thoughts on reading an excerpt from L.S. de Camp's Biography of Lovecraft by R. Alain Everts? - Litterae Dagonis #6 - The Haunter of the Mail [listed as Nocturne] - Lovecraft: A Biography order form [not listed]
Mailing 10
May 1975 (362 pages total)
- The Cry of the Cricket #10 - The Forbidden by Frank Bambara - Abaddon #3 - Phantom Poet #2 by Sutton Breiding - The Moshassuck Review [#6] - Old Bones, issue B - The Great Rich is Sick #2 by Rich Small - Ibid [#2] - China Nights by Bob Culp - The Unnamable #8 - MS #9 - Notes form Allanor's Castle #1 by Dr. Howard J. Duerr - Haunter of the Mail [#3] - The Neiphyte #3 by Scott Connors - Litterae Dagonis #7 - The Sampler #3 by George S. Howard - Zarfhaana #3 - In the Evil Forest by Arthur Metzger - Dark Kantele #1 by Loay Hall - After Midnight #2 - Letters from Leng #4 - Henry St. Clair McMillin Whitehead by R. Alain Everts - No Comments by R. Alain Everts - Minncon - Oktoberfest flyer [listed as 'Attention Lovecraftians] by R. Alain Everts - Lines typed in the realization that my tabulator is fouled up by Dave Drake - The Dark Messenger #4 - St. Toad's Muttering's [sic] by Chris Sherman - Bubbles and Blasphemies #2 by Reed Andrus - Crumbling Relicks - The Pauper #2 by WalIy Stoelting - The Arkham Anchorite - Through the Gates of the Spring Valley Triangle by Frierson/Gates'/Mouldry - Lovecraftian Ramblings #2 - Trivia for Ten by Claire Beck - The Miskatonic [#4] - Hesperia #1 - Tooth and Nail #10 - Unquiet #5 - Addenda and Corrigenda to the Miskatonic [#4] - The Second Annual Charles Dexter Awards - 1st World Fantasy Convention flyer - Photograph of a young Lovecraft - Two on Lovecraft and Others
Mailing 11
August 1975 (391 pages total)
- The Cry of the Cricket #11 - Lyrr by Frank Bambara - Addenda and Corrigenda to the Miskatonic [#4] by Dirk Mosig - Whisperings #6 - Fear and Loathing in Aquilonia by Meade Frierson - The Neophyte #4 - Ibid #3 - Phantom Poet [#3] by Sutton Breiding - Al Azif Epilogue by Bob Culp - Dark Messenger #5 - The Transition of Meade Frierson by Meade Frierson - St. Toad's Muttering's [sic] #3 by Chris Sherman - The Eltdown Shards #3 - After Midnight #3 - R.H. for O.E.! by Claire Beck - H.P.L. Meets Anton Lavey by the illOEgal one - The Pauper #3 - The Horrible Stoelting Poems by ItalIy Stoelting - Greetings: [Listed as 'Fandom has Lost a Good Friend'] by Scott C. Lillie - Nocturne/Haunter of the Mail #4 - Nothing Happens to Lefty Feep by Randall Larson - Dona Dagoni, Kal. Sext. 1975 Anno Christi by Dave Drake - The Dismembered Aquanaut #1 by Lawson Hill - In passing by R. Alain Everts - Abaddon #4 - Notes from Allinor's Castle #2 - Asrar Nama #9 - Tooth and Nail #11 - Walpurgis Night #1 by Doreen Webbert - Litterae Dagonis #8 - La Gargouille [bumperstickers inserted] by James Bass - H.P. Lovecraft: The Anthologies by Dave Schultz - The Miskatonic #11 - Prologue #1 - Unquiet - Omniumgathum #1 by (Jonathan Bacon) - Hesperia #2 - Dee-arr-enn #7 - The Arkham Anchorite #6 - Miskatonic Library Archivist #2 by John Finkbiner - Escape by Frank Bambara - The Lurker by Frank Bambara
Mailing 12
October 1975 (367 pages total)
- The Cry of the Cricket #12 - The Outer Dark #6 - Esoterically Speaking by Ralph Wollstonecraft Hedge - Mailing Commets by Meade Frierson - The Moshassuck Review #7 - Letters from Leng #5 - The Dark Schloss #1 by Loay H. Hall - Twerkle, A First by Walter Coslet - Ibid #4 - Xiuchoatl by Bob Culp - Crumbling Relecks #7 - After Midnight #4 - Spectral Analysis #6 - Zarfhaana #4 - Efforts from Churning Fingers - Notes from Allanor's Castle #3 - Abaddon #5 - filming "The Whisperer in Darkness" by David C. Smith - Dark Messenger #6 - Nocturne/Haunter of the Mail #5 - A Bibliography of Stories in the Herbert Van Thal Collection by R. Alain Everts - Would That Time Could Stop [facsimilie of April Rose Derleth's wedding invitation] by R. Alain Everts - Whisperings #7 - Litterae Dagonic #9 - The Andover Road Journal #1 by Robert Weinberg - Drake's Potpourri, Halloween 1975 - Roger's Revenge #32 - Lovecraftian Ramblings #3 - The Arkham Anchorite #7 - St. Toad's Mutterings #4 by Chris 'Chirs' Sherman - Hesperia #3 - Omniugathum #2 by Jonathan Bacon - Tooth and Nail #12 - Interlude by Tom Collins - The Miskatonic #12 - Continuity #5 - Announcing the Third Annual Charles Dexter Awards
Mailing 13
February 1976 (847 pages total)
- The Cry of the Cricket #13 - The Second Annual Charles Dexter (A)Wards Ballot - The Moshassuck Review #8 - At the Sign of the Black Goat #1 by Charles Korbas - Late, as usual by Joe 'Moudry - Justin Case #2 by Meade Frierson - Eldritch Leanings #1 - The Eltdown Shards #4 - Note from Allanor's Castle #4 - Twerkle, a second by Walt Coslet - The Left Hand of Frierson by Meade Frierson - Ibid #13 - Zarfhaana #6 - Letters from Leng #6 - Drake's Potpourri, Candlemas Mailing 1976 - Rising from a Tomb That's Haunted by Art Metzger - From the Dark Spaces #3 - Abaddon #6 - After Midnight #5 - Efforts from Churning Fingers #2 - Darkness Over Providence - Dark Messenger #7 - Necronomicon by Bob Culp - Crumbling Relicks #8 - Litterae Dagonis #10 - Roger's Revenge #37 - The Pauper #4 - Dee-arr-enn #8 - Cthulsz #3 - La Gargouille #2 by James T. Bass - The Miskatonic #13 - The Arkham Anchorite #8 - Whispering #8 - Omniugathum #3 - Nocturne/Haunter of the Mail #9 - Continuity #6 - Miskatonic Library Archivist #3 by John Finkbiner - The Haunted Forest by Tom Collins - Lovecraftian Ramblings #4 - Tooth and Nail #13 - Ambrose Bierce by R. Alain Everts - The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce in Ten Octavo Volumes by R. Alain Everts - The Conservative #1 by H.P. Lovecraft - The Lovecraft Collectors Library, volume 1 - The Lovecraft Collectors Library, volume 2 - The Lovecraft Collectors Library, volume 3 - The Lovecraft Collectors Library, volume 4 - The Lovecraft Collectors Library, volume 5 - The Lovecraft Collectors Library, volume 6 - The Lovecraft Collectors Library, volume 7 (all by George Wetzel)
Drake's Potpourri, Candlemas Mailing 1976 contains Drake's "On Being Edited" and his dealings with August Derleth and Arkham House and others.
Mailing 14
May 1976 (346 pages total)
- The Cry of the Cricket #14 - Manuscript Found on the Beach by Hunter - Abaddon #7 - Letters from Leng #7 - The Acolyte - Le Monde Etrange et Tenebreux de Howard Phillips Lovecraft by R. Alain Everts - Antoine Wiertz by R. Alain Everts - Real Dracula Was No Tourist Attraction by R. Alain Everts - Roger's Revenge #39 - The Search for the Nameless City - Revelations in Xerox by Lawson W. Hill - Ibid #14 - Zarfhaana #6 [sic, #7] - The Dark Schloss #2 by Loay Hall - Drake's Potpourri, May Eve 1976 - Eldritch Leanings #2 - After Midnight #6 - Crumbling Relicks - Asrar Nama #10 - From the Dark Spaces #4 - Outre #1 - The Eltdown Shards #4 1/2 - Arkham Housecleaning by Roger Bryant - Yaanek #1 - Litterae Dagonis #11 - Efforts from Churning Fingers #3 - Dark Messenger #8 - The Arkham Anchorite #9 - The Miskatonic #14 - Tooth and Nail #14 - Hesperia #4 - Spectral Analysis #7 - Announcing the Winners of the 1976 Charles Dexter (A)wards - Continuity #3
Mailing 15
August 1976 (479 pages total)
- The Cry of the Cricket #15 - The Memory of teh Diamond Sutra #1 by Joe Moudry - The Hunter of the dark #0.1 - The Moshassuck Review #9 - The Unnamable #9 - At the Sign of the Black Goat #2 by Charles Korbas - Marginalia by Lawson Hill - Spectral Analysis #8 - Bardic Blasphemy #1 by Andy Conder - Letters from Leng #8 - Evermist, Summer 1976 by David R. Warren - Ibid #15 - Drake's Potpourri, Lammas 1976 - After Midnight #7 - Eldritch Leanings #3 - Crumbling Relicks #9 1/2 - Notes from Allanor's Castle #5 - From the Dark Spaces #5 - Nocturne/Haunter of the Dark #10 - The Arkham Anchorite #10 - [A Bookmark for Mailing 15] - Outre #2 - Litterae Dagonis #12 - The Quebecker #1 by Joel Ruimy - Zarfhaana #7 - Efforts from Churning Fingers #4 - The Day the Earth Stood Still by Randy Larson - Tooth and Nail #15 - Into the Nafud Dahi by Bob Culp - Winifred Virginia Jackson - Lovecraft's Lost Romance by R. Alan Everts - Three Postcards [Old Hugeunot House; Memorial Arch; Birdseye View State House] by H.P. Lovecraft - The Lovecraft Collector #1 - The Lovecraft Collector #2 - The Lovecraft Collector #3 by R. Zorn - H.P. Lovecraft: A Symposium by LASFS - Horror at the Horseshoe by D. Sullivan - Continuity volume 2, #4 - Cthulsz #4 - Yaanek #2 - The Miskatonic #15 - Errata for The Miskatonic by Dirk Mosig - Lovecraftian Ramblings #5 - Unquiet #15 - Revised Errata Sheet
Mailing 16
November 1976 (459 pages total)
- The Cry of the Cricket #16 - Crumbling Relicks #10 - After Midnight Extra - Blank Thing at Midnight by Lawson Hill - The Dark Schloss #3 by Loay Hall - Selected Writings on the Cthulu Mythos of RWH by Meade Frierson - The Hunter of the Dark #0.2 - Ibid #16 - Charnel Glyphs #1 - Evermist, Fall 1976 by David Warren - The Inner Dark #1 by Bill Wallace - The Eltdown Shards #5 - The Annals of Pnath by Robert Culp - Outre #3 - Zarfhaana #8 - Letters from Leng #9 - Eldritch Leanings #4 - Dark Messenger #9 - Necrophantasy #1 by Mark Sprague - Drake's Potpourri, Hallowe'en 1976 - Efforts from Churning Fingers #5 - The Arkham Anchorite #11 - Litterae Dagonis #13 - The Casuist by Roger Bryant - After Midnight #8 - The Miskatonic #16 - Unaussprechlichen Schriften #1 by Cliff Biggers - Some Lovecraftian Notes by R. Alain Everts - Arkham Housecleaning #2 by Roger Bryant - Tooth and Nail #16 - Yaanek #3 - Narratives of Shipwrecks and Disasters, 1586 by R. Alain Everts - 1860 [excerpts] - Continuity, volume 3 #1
Drake's Potpourri contains "Report on the third annual Convention of the International Fortean Society and the poem "Fimbulwinter".
Mailing 17
February 1977 (487 pages total)
- The Cry of the Cricket #17 - Notes from Allanor's Castle #6 - Ralph W. Hedge Goes to teh Wrong (?) Fantasycon by Meade Frierson - The Moshassuck Review #10 - Dear August: by R. Alain Everts - The Unnamable #10 - Maggotsville News #1 - Crumbling Relicks #11 - Spectral Analysis #9 - Zarfhaana #9 - Son of Charnel Glyphs by Larry Baker - Ibid #17 - The Hunter of the Dark #3 - Drake's Potpourri, Candlemas 1977 - Nocturne: The Arcane Dreams of Walter Gilman - Cthulsz, volume 2 #1 - The Esoteric Order of Dagon Laureate Poll for 1977 by Joe Moudry - Eldritch Leanings #5 - After Midnight #9 - Outre #4 - The Arkham Anchorite #12 - The Miskatonic #17 - Meagerness from Weary Fingers #1 by Randy Larson - The Casuist #12 by Roger Bryant - From the Dark Spaces #6 - Occasional #6 [excerpt] by Wade - Arthur Machen: A Novelist of Ecstacy and Sin by Starrett - H.P. Lovecraft: A Bibliography by Brennan - Lovecraftian Ramblings #6 - Tooth and Nail #17 - The Lurker Finds the Thing in the Abbey by Lawson Hill - The Inhabitant of the Lake #1 - Addenda, Corrigenda, and "apologenda" for The Miskatonic #17
Mailing 18
May 1977 (599 pages total)
- The Cry of the Cricket #18 - The Acolyte #6 by Laney - Howard Phillips Lovecraft: A Tentative Bibliography by Laney and Evans - A Bibliography of H.P. Lovecraft by Emmons - View from a Hill by R.H. Barlow - Black Magic by R. Alain Everts - Another Dagonzine by Meade Frierson - Letters from Leng #10 - Ibid #18 - Dark Messenger #10 - The Inner Dark #2 by Bill Wallace - The Hunter of the Dark #4 - Letters from Providence by Bernadette Bosky - This Train Stops at Arkham! by Lawson W. Hill - Maggotville News #2 - Crumbling Relicks #12 - Return of the Son of Charnel Glyphs by Larry Baker - A Bit of a Review by Meade Frierson - The Dark Schloss #5 by Hall - The ARkham Anchorite - The Terror from the 18th Floor by Mark Sprague - The Eltdown Shards #6 - Zarfhaana #10 - Spectral Analysis #10 - Outre #5 - Drake's Potpourri, May Eve 1977 - The Andover Road Journal #2 by Robert Weinberg - Eldritch Leanings #6 - Unaussprechlichen Schristen #2 by Biggers - Homeward Bound by Biggers - After Midnight #10 - Unquiet #? - Efforts from Churning Fingers #6 - Ralph W. Hedge and His Electric Review Typer by Meade Frierson - Dark Messenger #11 - Tooth and Nail #18 - The Miskatonic #18 - You Don't Know Me But I Know You #1 by Hutchinson - Selected Scribblings #1 by Peter Cannon - Yaanek #5 - Continuity, volume 3 #3 - Errata Sheet for Miskatonic #18 - Dead Thing in a Deserted Theater [post-mailing]
Mailing 19
August 1977 (523 pages total)
- The Cry of the Cricket #19 - The Mount Erebus Quarterly #6 by Joe Moudry - [bookmark] - Dark Messenger #12 - Ibid #19 - Arkham Housecleaning #3 by Bryant - Dunwich by Kenneth Faig - The Works of Howard Phillip Lovecraft by Micahel Beesley - De Tenebris #3 by Kenneth Faig - The MOshassuck Review #11 - The Byakhee Stops Here! by Lawson Hill - Letters from Leng #11 - Maggotville News #3 - Charnel Glyphs #4 - Litterae Dagonis #14 - The Hunter of the Dark #5 - Spectral Analysis #11 - Outre #6 - Tooth and Nail #19 - Drake's Potpourri Lammas 1977 - Zarfhaana #11 - Efforts from Churning Fingers #7 - Eldritch Leanings #7 - Crumbling Relicks #13 - Corrections and Additions to Eldtritch Leanings #7 - After Midnight #11 - The Arkam Anchorite #14 - Gruesome Cargoes #1 - Trieste flyer by Dirk Mosig - The Miskatonic #19 - Photographs Lovecraftian by Dirk Mosig - The Great Debate by Dirk Mosig - The Inhabitant of the Lake #2 - Lovecraftian Ramblings #7 - Continuity, volume 3 #4 - Cthulsz, volume 2 #2 - Four Letters from Hazel Heald by R. Alain Everts - Nocturne
Mailing 20
November 1977 (445 pages total)
- The Cry of the Cricket #20 - 1978 E*O*D Election Ballot [unoffical inclusion] - Yaanek, volume 2 #2 - The Dark Schloss #6 [post mailing to mailing #19] - Ibid #20 - Inbendick: Supplement to Ibid #20 - Necromanically Yours by Meade Frierson - The Inner Dark #3 - Letters from Leng #12 - Laughing Osiris #1 by Arthur Metzger - Comes the Dawn [flyer] by Gary Kimber - Outre #7 - Drake's Potpourri, Hallowe'en 1977 - Eldritch Leanings #8 - The Terrible Old Man: A Shooting Script by Lawson Hill - The Arkham Anchorite #15 - Selected Scribblings #2 by Peter Cannon - Tooth and Nail #20 - Maggotville News #4 - The Miskcatonic #20 - Crumbling Relicks #14 - Efforts from Churning Fingers #8 - Zarfaana #12 - The Inhabitant of the Lake #3 - Dark Messenger #13 - Unquiet #20 - Gruesome Cargoes #2 - Some Notes on Interplanetary Fiction by H.P. Lovecraft - Heritage of Modernism: Common Sense in Art Forms by H.P. Lovecraft - Continuity, volume 4 #1 - The Night Before Cthulumas [post-mailing]
Mailing 21
March 1978 (450 pages total)
- The Cry of the Cricket #21 - Fear and Other Poems by Tim Collins - De Tenebris #4 - The Moshassuck Review #12 - The Unamable: The HPLovely Issue [#11] - The Arkham Anchorite #16 - Ibid #20 - Roger's Revenge #41 - Maggotville News #5 - Letters from Leng #13 - Drake's Potpourri, Candlemas 1978 - Nocturne #13 - Eldritch Leanings #9 - Crumbling Relicks #15 - The Miskatonic #21 - Newburyport News by Lawson Hill - Zarfhaana #13 - After Midnight #12 - Outre #8 - Selected Scribblings #3 - Cthulusz, volume 2 #3 - Lovecraftian Ramblings #8 - Map of Swan Point Cemetery, Providence, R.I. 1971 - The Inhabitant of the Lake #4 - Foul and Fowler by Bernadette Bosky - Tooth and Nail #21 - The Double Shadow and Other Fantasies by C.A. Smith - Rediscovering the World of Derleth by Clark - Eventide #6 by Carlson - H.P. Lovecraft Society flyer [listed as 'Attention Lovecraftians'] - Charnel Glyphs #5
Mailing 22
June 1978 (411 pages total)
- The Cry of the Cricket #22 - In Memory of the Diamond Sutra #2 by Joe Mouldry - The Spectral Trail by Lawson Hill - Ibid #22 - Inbendick - Eldritch Tales #3 [cover illustration only] by Crispin Burnham - On the Wings of Darkness #1 by Hall - The Noctuary #4 - Drake's Potpourri, post-May Eve 1978 - Letters from Leng #14 - Sepulchral Rhapsody #1 by Mark Sprague - Outre #9 - Efforts from Churning Fingers - Zarfhaana #14 - Best Friends by David Oreno - Eldritch Leanings #10 - The Inner Dark #4 by Bill Wallace - Charnel Glyphs #6 - Crumbling Relicks #16 - The Arkham Anchorite #17 - Dark Messenger #14 - Starry Wisdom #1 by William Fulwiler - Gruesome Cargo #4 - The Miskatonic #22 - Unquiet #22 - Selected Scribblings #4 - Maythoughts by Bernadette Bosky - An E*O*Discussion Concerning the John Hay Library File by Peter Cannon - August Derleth Society Newsletter #3 by Richard Fawcett
Mailing 23
August 1978 (414 pages total)
- The Cry of the Cricket #23 - Analyzing HPL #1 by Reg Smith - Analyzing HPL #2 by Reg Smith - The Moshassuck Review #13 - HPL Works Mentioned in His Letters by Peter Reichensperger - Sepulchral Rhapsody #2 by Mark Sprague - Ibid #23 - Sepulchral Spawnings #1 by David Oreno - Drake's Potpourri, post-Lammas 1978 - Outre #10 - The Arkham Anchorite #18 - Eldritch Leanings #11 - Zarfhaana #15 - Dark Messenger #14 1/2 - The Miskatonic - Selected Scribblings #5 - Lovecraftian Ramblings #9 - Dead Leaf from a Tombstone by Lawson Hill - Nocturne #14 - Letters from Leng #15 - Crumbling Relicks #16 1/2 - Tooth and Nail #23 - Continuity, volume 4 #2 - The Crosses of December by R. Alain Everts - Cthulsz, volume #3 - Yaanek #7 - Yaanek, volume 2 #3 - Continuity, vollume 3 #2 - The Cry of the Cricket #23.5
Mailing 24
November 1978 (411 pages total)
- The Cry of the Cricket #24 - On the Wings of Darkness #2 by Lawrence Hall - Walpurgis #1 by Peter Reichensperger - Charnel Glyphs #7 - The Arkham Anchorite #19 - The Cry of the Cricket #23.5 - Letters from Leng #15 1/2 - Outre #11 - Obsequial Incubi #1 - Efforts from Churning Fingers #10 - Dark Messenger #15 - Eldritch Leanings #12 - Zarfaana #16 - Drake's Potpourri, Hallowe'en 1978 by Ken Niely - Lovecraftian Ramblings #10 - Seeing Providence by Ken Niely - Sepulchral Spawnings #2 - The Miskatonic #23 1/2 - Selected Scribblings #6 - The Inhabitant of the Lake #5 - Ibid #24 - Inbendick #24 - Crumbling Relicks #17
Mailing 25
February (Candlemas) 1979 (334 pages total)
- The Cry of the Cricket #25 - Letters from Leng #16 - Charnel Glyphs #8 - The Moshassuck Review #14 - Letters from Leng #16.1 - Outre #12 - Ibid #25 - [binder's advertising bookmark] - The Acolyte: An Index - Ko-Song #1 - Obsequial Incubi #2 - Crumbling Relicks #20 - Drake's Potpourri, Post-Candlemas 1979 - Efforts from Churning Fingers #11 - Sepulchral Spawnings #3 - Nocturne #15 - After Midnight #14 - The Green Round Revisited by Lawson Hill - Dark Messenger #15 - The 1979 E*O*D Laureate Poll by Joe Moudry - The Inhabitant of the Lake #6 - The Arkham Anchorite #20 - Selected Scribblings #7 - Lovecraftian Ramblings #11 - The Miskatonic #24
Mailing 26
May 1979 (388 pages total)
- The Cry of the Cricket #26 - Walpurgis #2 (Other Authors' Works in HPL Letters I) by Peter Reichensperger - Walpurgis #3 (Other Authors' Works in HPL Letters II) by Peter Reichensperger - Charnel Glyphs #8 - Nemesis #1 [with illustration by Michael Roden] - Crumbling Relicks #21 - Ibid #26 - Outre #13 - Obsequial Incubi #3 - Psychotic Episodes - A Selected List of Lovecraftian Resources in E*O*D Mailings #1-21 by Roger Bryant - Night Gaunts - Cthulsz - Letters from Leng #17 - The Acolyte: An Index by Glenn Lord - Sepuchral Spawning #4 - Selected Scribblings #8 - Obsequial Incubi #3 - Drake Potpourri, May-eve 1979 - Byakhee Prints by Lawson Hill - Wulkins #1 - Starry Wisdom #2 - Efforts from Churning Fingers #12 - The Dark Messenger #16 - The Arkham Anchorite #21 - Daemonic Strangeness #1 by David Bass - Tooth and Nail #24 - Marginalia #1 by George Wetzel - Unquiet #26 - The Inhabitant of the Lake #7 - Mirage on Lovecraft by R. Alain Everts - Eldritch Leanings #13
Mailing 27
August 1979 (423 pages total)
- The Cry of the Cricket #27 - Numinous Noumina by Campbell - Nemesis #2 - Ibid #27 - Inbendick #27 - Sphinx Muzak by Harry Morris - [Print: Harry Morris, 1978] - [Print: Signed in pencil by Denis Tiani, dated 1977] - [Print: Signed in pencil by Denis Tiani, plate dated 1976/77] - Lovecraft's Marvelous Mechanical Merkin by Bosky/Campbell - Night Gaunts #2 - The Moshassuck Review #16 - The Miskatonic - Letters from Leng #18 - Spider Bite #2 by Larry Baker - Ko-song #2 - Selected Scribblings #9 - Zarfaana #17 - Crumbling Relicks #22 - Psychotic Episodes #2 - Sepulchral Spawnings #5 - Outre #14 - After Midnight #15 - Wulkins #2 - Obsequial Incubi #4 - Efforts from Churning Fingers #13 - The Arkham Anchorite #22 - Late, As Usual #2 by Joe Moudry - Drake's Potpourri, Lammas 1979 - Lovecraftian Ramblings #12 - Unquiet #27 - The Inhabitant of the Lake #8
Mailing 28
November 1979 (448 pages total)
- The Cry of the Cricket #28 - The Annual Election Ballot - Ibid #28 - Night Gaunts #3 - Nemesis #3 - Outre #15 - The Dark Messenger #17 - Wulkins #3 - Double Vision #1 by Edward Dorn - From the Dark Spaces #7 - Set the Old Ones Free: A Game of Terrible Chance by Mark Sprague - The Deadline by Larry Schroeder - Psychotic Episodes #3 - Crumbling Relicks #23 - The Compound Eyes of Insects by Harry Morris - Zarfhaana #18 - Starry Wisdom #3 - Letters from Leng #19 - Selected Scribblings #10 - After Midnight #16 - Eldritch Leanings #14 - Roger's Revenge #42 - Drake's Potpourri, Hallowe'en 1979 - Starless and Bible Black #1 by Douglas Winter - The Arkham Anchorite #23 - Ye Innsmouth Look #1 by Margaret Angley Pearson - Miscellaneous Reprints by R. Alain Everts - Charleston by R. Alain Everts - Unquiet #28 - Cthulsz, Hallowmass 1979 - Efforts from Churning Fingers #14 - Sepulchral Spawnings #6 - Tooth and Nail #25 - Lovecraftian Ramblings #13 - The Inhabitant of the Lake #9 - The Cry of the Cricket #28.5
Mailing 29
February 1980 (407 pages total)
- The Cry of the Cricket #29 - The Cry of the Cricket #28.5 - Nemesis Presents Dante's Inferno by Michael Roden/Edward Dorn - The Moshassuck Review #17 - Spider Bite #3 by Larry Baker - Ko-song #3 - Selected Scribblings #11 - Night Gaunts #4 - Necrophantasy #2 by Mark Sprague - Outre #16 - Sepulchral Spawnings #7 - Wulkins #4 - Ibid #29 - Efforts from Churning Fingers #15 - The Box in the Cellar by Margaret Angley—Pearcon - Zarfhaana #19 - Drake's Potpourri, Candlemas 1980 - Ambiguous Syntax #1 by Bernadette Bosky - Ye Innsmouth Look #2 by Margaret Angley—Pearcon - Gruesome Cargoes #5 - Our Natupski Neighbors: Chapter 1 by Tom Collins - Tooth and Nail #26 - The Arkham Anchorite #24 - Nemesis #5 - Unquiet #29 - [Edward Gorey Bookmark] - The Deadline #2 by Larry Schroeder - The 1980 Esoteric Order of Dagon Laureate Poll
Mailing 30
May 1980
- The Cry of the Cricket #30 - Selected Scribblings #12 - Nemesis #6 - The Portals of Madness #2 - Huitloxopetl: Third Cousin of Nyarlathotep - From the Dark Spaces #8 - Night Gaunts #5 - Letters from Leng - Wulkins #5 - Outre #17 - Efforts from Churning Fingers #16 - Maggotville News #6 - Sadie's Sanctified House of Pleasure #1 - After Midnight #17 - Roger's Revenge #43 - Ibid #30 - Drake's Potpourri, May Eve 1980 - Forbidden Tales of the Druid's Lair #1 - Eldritch Leanings #15 - Sepulchral Spawnings #8 - Ye Innsmouth Look #3 - Starry Wisdom #4 - Lovecraftian Ramblings #14 - The Deadline #3 - Psychotic Episodes #4 - The Elder Pharos #1 - The Arkham Anchorite #25 [misnumbered] - The Dark Messenger #18 - Unquiet #30 - Nocturne #16 - The Cry of the Cricket #30.5 - Faith in the E.O.D.
Mailing 31
October 1980
- The Cry of the Cricket #31 - Nemesis #7 - The Moshassuck Review #18 - From Below - King Things - Night Gaunts #6 - Queer Madness #1 - Forbidden Tales of the Druid's Lair #2 - Starry Wisdom #5 - Blood, Devastation, Death, War and Horror - Ko-song #4 - Sepulchral Spawnings #9 - Drake's Potpourri Lammas 1980 - Selected Scribblings #13 - Efforts from Churning Fingers #17 - Zarfhaana #20 - Isthmus of Madison #20 - Wulkins #6 - Necronomical Notes #1 - Ibid #31 - Outre #18 - Unquiet #31 - Protocol Now - The Arkham Anchorite - Dark Messenger #19 - The Inhabitant of the Lake #10
Mailing 32
December 1980
- The Cry of the Cricket #32 - The Annual Electrion Ballot - Disinterred - The Rlyeh Rock!! - Weird Mails #1 - Outre #19 - Life is a Hideous Thing #1 - Letters from Leng #21 - Oracle Comics #1 - Dark Messenger #20 - Wulkins #7 - Ibid #32 - Crumbling Relicks #25 - Charnel Glyphs #8 - Portals of Madness - Still the Haunter of the Dark: Lovecraft Homes - Nocturne #17 - Night Gaunts #7 - The Uncollected Story of Kathleen Murray - Selected Scribbligns #14 - Seitsamen Totchter - After Midnight #18 - The Arkham Anchorite #27 - Roger's Revenge #44 - Necronomical Notes #2 - Frank Utpatel - Letters from Sonia L. to Arkham House - Eldritch Leanings #16 - A Petition - Drake's Potpourri Post-Halloween 1980 - Lovecraftian Ramblings #15 - The Providence Eagle #4 - Unquiet #32
Mailing 33
February 1981
- The Cry of the Cricket #33 - The Laureate Poll/Charles Dexter Awards Ballot - Ancient Dreams Comix - The Moshassuck Review #19 - Queer Madness #2 - Queer Madness #3 - Life is a Hideous Thing #2 - Fantipodean #1 - Haunted Catacombs #1 - Night Gaunts #8 - My Friend, Vernie - Bugg-shaggog #1 - Illustrated Portrait of Steven King - Ibid #33 - Wulkins #8 - Roger's Revenge #45 - The Anaheim Horror and Otters - Sepulchral Spawnings #10 - Outre #20 - Harpies' Bizarre #1 - Maggotville News #7 - Starry Wisdome #6 - Zarfhaana #21 - Forbidden Tales of teh Druid's Lair #3 - Efforts from Churning Fingers #18 - Tales from Brun - Varona - In Memoriam
Mailing 34
May 1981
- The Cry of the Cricket #34 - Drake's Potpourri, Candlemass 1981 - Disinterred #3 - The Hinterland Horror #1 - Sadie's Sanctified House of Pleasure #2 - Ambiguous Syntax #2 - Cluster-land Comix - R'Lyeh in '73! [flyer] - Unquiet #34 - Ibid #34 - Wulkins #9 - Miscellaneous Maunderings - Letters from Leng: "Great Beginnings" issue - Haunted Catacombs #2 - Night Gaunts #9 - J. Vernon Shea: A Memorial - Reader's Guide to the Baker Mythos - Crumbling Relicks #26 - Life is a Hideous Thing #3 - Interview with Margaret Brindage, 1973 - Lovecraftiana flyer - Drake's Potpourri, May eve 1981 - Fantipodean #2 - selected Scribblings #16 - Nocturne #18 - I Love the Cemetery Girls [iron-on patch] - Necrophantasy #3 - Cthulsz - Eldritch Leanings #17 - Sepulchral Spawnings #11 - After Midnight #19 - Ko-Song #5 - Bugg Shaggog #2 - Divine Providence:A Guide to the City - The Chopper Out of Space
Mailing 36
November 1981
- The Cry of the Cricket #36 - Crypt of Cthulhu #1 - Eldritch Leanings #18 - other zines
Mailing 37
February 1982
Mailing 38
May 1982
Mailing 39
August 1982
Mailing 40
November 1982 - story "Concerto For a Satin Vampire" by Eddy C. Bertin - other zines
Mailing 41
February 1983
Mailing 42
May 1983
Mailing 43
August 1983
Mailing 44
November 1983
Mailing 45
February 1984
Mailing 46
May 1984
Mailing 47
August 1984
Mailing 48
November 1984
Mailing 49
February 1985
Mailing 50
May 1985
Mailing 51
August 1985
Mailing 52
November 1985
Mailing 53
February 1986
Mailing 54
May 1986
Mailing 55
August 1986
Mailing 56
November 1986
- [no title] by Oliver Lottmann - Other zines
Mailing 58
May 1987
Mailing 59
August 1987
Mailing 60
November 1987
- Reprint of Wandrei obituary by R. Alain Everts
- [no title] by Gavin Smith
- Other zines
Mailing 61
February 1988
Mailing 62
May 1988
Mailing 63
August 1988
Mailing 64
November 1988
- Fantasy Art Miscellany by R. Alain Everts - Other zines
Mailing 65
February 1989
- Dreams and Damnations by R. Alain Everts - Other zines
Mailing 66
May 1989
- [no title] by Gavin Edmund Smith - Reprint of “Ralph Wollstonecraft Hedge: A Memoir” by Ron Goulart, contribution to the mailing by Gavin Edmund Smith - Other zines
Mailing 67
August 1989
Mailing 68
November 1989
Mailing 69
February 1990
- Annex #7 by A. Langley Searles (Winter 89/90) - Other zines
Mailing 70
May 1990
Mailing 71
August 1990
Mailing 72
November 1990
Mailing 73
February 1991
Mailing 74
May 1991
Mailing 75
August 1991
Mailing 76
November 1991
Mailing 77
February 1992
Mailing 78
May 1992
Mailing 79
August 1992
Mailing 80
November 1992
Mailing 81
February 1993
Mailing 82
May 1993
Mailing 83
August 1993
Mailing 84
November 1993
Mailing 85
February 1994
Mailing 86
May 1994
- August Derleth Society Newsletter - Gavin Smith's Offering for Mailing 86 - Terabytes (subtitled "The Newsletter of Miskatonic University Computer Operations and User Services") by Chris Jarocha-Ernst - other zines
Mailing 87
August 1994
Mailing 88
November 1994
Mailing 89
February 1995
Mailing 90
May 1995
Mailing 91
August 1995
Mailing 92
November 1995
Mailing 93
February 1996
Mailing 94
May 1996
Mailing 95
August 1996
Mailing 96
November 1996
- The Criticaster #22 by Steve Walker - Other zines
Mailing 97
February 1997
- the story "The Black Brat of Dunwich" by Stanley C. Sargent - other zines
Mailing 98
May 1997
- The Criticaster #23 by Steve Walker - The Terrorist - Other zines
Mailing 99
August 1997
- The Terrorist - other zines
Mailing 100
November 1997
- The Criticaster #24 by Steve Walker - The Terrorist - Other zines
Mailing 101
February 1998
- The Terrorist - other zines
Mailing 102
May 1998
- The Criticaster #25 by Steve Walker - Other zines
Mailing 103
August 1998
Mailing 104
November 1998
- [no title] by Stanley Sargent - The Criticaster #26 by Steve Walker - The Terrorist - Other zines
Mailing 105
February 1999
- The Terrorist - other zines
Mailing 106
May 1999
- The Criticaster #27 by Steve Walker - The Western Edition by Alan Gullette - Other zines
Mailing 107
August 1999
- A Kafka Edition by Alan Gullette - other zines
Mailing 108
November 1999
- The Criticaster #28 by Steve Walker - A Terminal Edition by Alan Gullette - Other zines
Mailing 109
February 2000
Mailing 110
May 2000
- The Criticaster #29 by Steve Walker - The Western Front - Other zines
Mailing 111
August 2000
Mailing 112
November 2000
- The Criticaster #30 by Steve Walker (later published online as The Limbonaut #1) - The Western Front - Other zines
Mailing 113
February 2001
Fischers from Outside by Melanie E. Fischer - Out of Mind: The Stories of H.P Lovecraft. Video Review by R. Alain Everts - R. H. Barlow (includes facsimile of "The Night Ocean" manuscript) by Kenneth W. Faig, Jr - Star-Winds: A Journal of H.P Lovecraft and Related Studies by Franklin D. Coffman, Jr. - Visions from the Outside: A Zine in honor of Howard Phillips Lovecraft by Steven R. Harbin, with assistance by Carrina E. Harbin - other zines
Mailing 114
May 2001
- The Criticaster #31 by Steve Walker (later published online as The Limbonaut #2) - Other zines
Mailing 115
August 2001
- The Western Front - other zines
Mailing 116
November 2001
- The Criticaster #32 by Steve Walker (later published online as The Limbonaut #3) - Other zines
Mailing 117
February 2002
Mailing 118
May 2002
- The Criticaster #33 by Steve Walker (later published online as The Limbonaut #4) - The Western Front - Other zines
Mailing 119
August 2002
The Aftermath by Ken Faig - Dagon on Film by R. Alain Everts - The Philosopher by Henrik Harksen - The Western Front - Other zines
Mailing 120
November 2002
- The Criticaster #34 by Steve Walker (later published online as The Limbonaut #5) - Other zines
Mailing 121
February 2003
- The Criticaster #35 by Steve Walker (later published online as The Limbonaut #6) - Other zines
Mailing 122
May 2003
- The Criticaster #36 by Steve Walker (later published online as The Limbonaut #7) - The Western Front - Other zines
Mailing 123
August 2003
- The Criticaster #37 by Steve Walker (later published online as The Limbonaut #8) - The Western Front - Other zines
Mailing 124
November 2003
- The Criticaster #38 by Steve Walker (later published online as The Limbonaut #9) - Other zines
Mailing 125
February 2004
- The Criticaster #39 by Steve Walker (later published online as The Limbonaut #10) - Mutatis Mutandis - Other zines
Mailing 126
May 2004
- The Criticaster #40 by Steve Walker (later published online as The Limbonaut #11) - Other zines
Mailing 127
August 2004
- The Criticaster #41 by Steve Walker (later published online as The Limbonaut #12) - Other zines
Mailing 128
November 2004
- The Criticaster #42 by Steve Walker (later published online as The Limbonaut #13) - Mutatis Mutandis - Other zines
Mailing 129
February 2005
- The Criticaster #43 by Steve Walker (later published online as The Limbonaut #14) - Mutatis Mutandis - Other zines
Mailing 130
May 2005
- The Criticaster #44 by Steve Walker (later published online as The Limbonaut #15) - Mutatis Mutandis - Other zines
Mailing 131
August 2005
- The Criticaster #45 by Steve Walker (later published online as The Limbonaut #16) - Other zines
Mailing 132
November 2005
- The Criticaster #46 by Steve Walker (later published online as The Limbonaut #17) - Mutatis Mutandis - Other zines
Mailing 133
February 2006
- The Criticaster #47 by Steve Walker (later published online as The Limbonaut #18) - Mutatis Mutandis - Other zines
Mailing 134
May 2006
- The Criticaster #48 by Steve Walker (later published online as The Limbonaut #19) - Mutatis Mutandis - Other zines
Mailing 135
August 2006
- The Criticaster #49 by Steve Walker (later published online as The Limbonaut #20) - Other zines
Mailing 136
November 2006
- The Criticaster #50 by Steve Walker (later published online as The Limbonaut #21) - Other zines
Mailing 137
February 2007
- The Criticaster #51 by Steve Walker (later published online as The Limbonaut #22) - Other zines
Mailing 138
May 2007
- The Criticaster #52 by Steve Walker (later published online as The Limbonaut #23) - Mutatis Mutandis - Other zines
Mailing 139
August 2007
- The Criticaster #53 by Steve Walker (later published online as The Limbonaut #24) - Other zines
Mailing 140
November 2007
- The Criticaster #54 by Steve Walker (later published online as The Limbonaut #25) - Nodens' Notebook #25 - Other zines
Mailing 141
February 2008
- The Criticaster #55 (later published online as The Limbonaut #26) - other zines
Mailing 142
May 2008
- The Criticaster #56 (later published online as The Limbonaut #27) - other zines
Mailing 143
August 2008
- The Criticaster #57 (later published online as The Limbonaut #28) - other zines
Mailing 144
November 2008
- The Criticaster #58 (later published online as The Limbonaut #29) - other zines
Mailing 145
February 2009
- The Criticaster #59 (later published online as The Limbonaut #30) - other zines
Mailing 146
May 2009
- The Criticaster #60 (later published online as The Limbonaut #31) - other zines
Mailing 147
August 2009
- The Criticaster #61 (later published online as The Limbonaut #32) - other zines
Mailing 148
November 2009
- The Criticaster #62 (later published online as The Limbonaut #33) - Mantichore #15 - other zines
Mailing 149
February 2010
- The Criticaster #63 (later published online as The Limbonaut #34) - Other zines
Mailing 150
May 2010
- The Criticaster #64 (later published online as The Limbonaut #35) - Other zines
Mailing 151
August 2010
- The Criticaster #65 (later published online as The Limbonaut #36) - Other zines
Mailing 152
November 2010
- The Criticaster #66 (later published online as The Limbonaut #37) - Other zines
Mailing 153
February 2011
- The Criticaster #67 (later published online as The Limbonaut #38) - Other zines
Mailing 154
May 2011
- The Criticaster #68 (later published online as The Limbonaut #39) - Other zines
Mailing 155
August 2011
- The Criticaster #69 (later published online as The Limbonaut #40) - Other zines
Mailing 156
November 2011
- The Criticaster #70 (later published online as The Limbonaut #41) - EOD Letter - Cyäegha - Mantichore - Redux - The Morgan and Rice Gazette - Kommati - Hesperia - Aurora Borealis - The Cosmicomicon - What Is Anything?
Mailing 157
February 2012
- The Criticaster #71 (later published online as The Limbonaut #42) - Other zines
Mailing 158
May 2012
- The Criticaster #72 (later published online as The Limbonaut #43) - Other zines
Mailing 159
August 2012
- The Criticaster #73 (later published online as The Limbonaut #44) - Other zines
Mailing 160
November 2012
- The Criticaster #74 (later published online as The Limbonaut #45) - Other zines
Mailing 161
February 2013
- The Criticaster #75 (later published online as The Limbonaut #46) - Other zines
Mailing 162
May 2013
- The Criticaster #76 (later published online as The Limbonaut #47) - Other zines
Mailing 163
August 2013
- The Criticaster #77 (later published online as The Limbonaut #48) - Other zines
Mailing 164
November 2013
- The Criticaster #78 (later published online as The Limbonaut #49) - Other zines
Mailing 165
February 2014
- The Criticaster #79 (later published online as The Limbonaut #50) - Other zines
Mailing 166
May 2014
- The Criticaster #80 (later published online as The Limbonaut #51) - Other zines
Mailing 167
August 2014
- The Criticaster #81 (later published online as The Limbonaut #52) - Other zines
Mailing 168
November 2014
- The Criticaster #82 (later published online as The Limbonaut #53) - Other zines
External Links
- The History of the EOD by Ben Indick
- ^ From the book The Recognition of H.P. Lovecraft by S.T. Joshi