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Pairing: Duncan (Total Drama)/Trent (Total Drama)
Alternative name(s): Duntrent, Truncan, Trencan
Gender category: Slash
Fandom: Total Drama
Canonical?: Fanon
Prevalence: Common
Archives: n/a
Other: n/a
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Duncan/Trent, known mostly as DunTrent, is a common pairing within Total Drama fandom. The ship is between Duncan and Trent, both prominent characters. It has been shipped since 2008.

Common Tropes

  • Enemies to Lovers: Both because of their personalities clashing and because of Gwen, who they both have dated at one point in the show.
  • Vans, grunge music, piercings, ripped clothes and other aspects of punk rock are common in fanworks for them.

Duncan/Trent Fandom

Many Duncan/Trent shippers also ship Courtney/Gwen, which pairs every character in the canonical love triangle/love quad (adding Trent) with one another.

November 26th is Duntrent Day on Chefhatchet's Appreciation Calendar. In 2013, it was on March 28th. The pairing was no longer observed in 2015, but in 2017, they were added back to the calendar. The March 28th date put it at odds with Mini Duncney Day, an event which took place the day before in 2014. Having this event be so close to Duncan/Trent day created some controversy on tumblr, as discussed more on its page.

Example/Notable Fanac

Fan Communities/Fan Events

Fan Fic

Fan Art

Fan Vid

References/Further Reading