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Title: DiscrePANcy
Author(s): Emily Adams
Date(s): 1995
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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DiscrePANcy is a Kirk/Spock story by Emily Adams.

It was published in the print zine KaleidoScope #3.



"Kirk is accused of murdering the visiting ruler of a planet trying to gain admittance into the Federation."

Reactions and Reviews

I always enjoy Pan stories, Emily has the cat's POV down pat and it is always intriguing to view K and S from someone else's POV. [1]

Pan, the cat, helps solve the mystery of the death of the Salerian Saphir. This is the first Pan story I have read, and I am quite impressed. It's written from the cat's POV, which gives us that third party view of Kirk's and Spock's relationship that I enjoy so much. Pan is written quite well, very alien as I would expect a cat to be. The story is also a real mystery which really gets solved. [2]

Another in a series of charming and delightful stories centering on that darn cat. Pan. You can't say there's "cut-to-the-crashing-waves-on-the-rocks" because in this story you don't even make it to the beach. A little too heavy on the Pan and a little too light on the K/S, but nevertheless fun.[3]


  1. ^ from Come Together #21
  2. ^ from Come Together #21
  3. ^ from Come Together #21