Deja Vu (Stargate SG-1 story)

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Title: Deja Vu
Author(s): Biblio
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Stargate SG-1
External Links: online here

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Deja Vu is a Stargate SG-1 Jack/Daniel story by Biblio.

Reactions and Reviews

Ok, I don't know why I haven't rec'd this one before. Must be some case of brain freeze. Or maybe I was saving it up for a rainy day. I don't know. I love this story. I have gone back and read it I don't know how many times. It's one of those that whenever I'm in the mood for J/D slash and haven't found anything new I liked I go back and reread. I'll warn you that on my first reading of it took me a minute to orient myself on the situation. I'll give you a little heads up so you can get a little perspective on how it starts out. Save you from having that moment of needing to figure out what's what. This story takes place in the canon Stargate universe and an alternate one that J/D jump into through a quantum mirror. So two universes at play here. You can sort of figure that out in the beginning when Kowalski pops up, but I just thought I'd save you that moment of trying to catch up. We come in on the guys right after they went through the mirror to escape some trouble. Where they fell into more of it, before being rescued by an SG team. I gotta say I just love the alternate Jack in this one. He's so fabulous. I think in some ways I like him a little better than regular old Jack. He treats Danny better right away, that endeared him to me. Biblio has a way of creating original characters that just fit so well into a story. Some you fall in love with and some you hate. I just adore Kate O'Neill from the Curse and a Blessing series (Prodigal Son, Passion Play, and the soon to come out A Dinner of Herbs). She is wonderful, Joe and Ruth are faves of mine too. I totally hated Lt. Colonel Alex Devoe in the Starting Points series. I wanted Jack to pound him so badly. I just love the alternate General Jack O'Neill in this one too. As I said, this is one of my favorite stories by Biblio to just go back and reread. Like comfort food, comfort reading. I probably have stories in several fandoms that fall under that category. Many are probably listed on these rec pages. This is one of my comfort stories in the Stargate Fandom. It's one you should definitely check out. Oh, did I mention it totally hot too. Just thought I'd throw that in if you weren't enticed yet. I love how Biblio can combine sweet romance (that doesn't hit the sugar shock meter) and wonderfully hot sex in a story. I just love her Jack and Daniel. You couldn't tell could you? Nah! I don't rec her stories much do I?<g> I'm silly so sue me.[1]

Slash Slut's Stargate SG-1 Recs


  1. ^ "Slash Slut's Stargate SG-1 Recs". 2002-07-27. Archived from the original on 2022-04-19.