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Title: Degrees
Author(s): Shannon K.
Date(s): 20 December 2003
31 December 2003
14 February 2004
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Part 1: Degrees
Part 2: On the Verge of Burning
Part 3: Rising Possibilities (The Mulder/Krycek Shrine)

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Degrees is a Mulder/Krycek series by Shannon K.

Summary from storyteller's campsite: An unexpected meeting in a liquor store on Christmas Eve is the catalyst for a complete change of the relationship between Mulder and Krycek.

Recs and Reviews

Shannon, Satina's "partner in crime", also isn't someone I like every story of, but this series focused on three holidays is outstanding. Years after their partnership ended with Krycek's betrayal, she makes them relive it in an instant of wordless communication and effortless trust. From there, a change in Mulder's behavior towards Krycek is inevitable, and from that truce she lets them come together in one breathless moment that, while written from Mulder's POV, lets the reader experience Krycek's courage and terror more immediately than several paragraphs from Krycek's POV would have managed. Add to that a supportive Scully, and this series leaves nothing to be desired.[1]


  1. ^ allaire mikháil. storyteller's campsite: the x-files fan fiction, 20 July 2008. (Accessed 26 March 2015)