Dear Mom (Star Trek: TOS story by Roberta Haga)
Fanfiction | |
Title: | Dear Mom |
Author(s): | Roberta Haga |
Date(s): | 1988 |
Length: | |
Genre(s): | slash |
Fandom(s): | Star Trek: TOS |
Relationship(s): | Kirk/Spock |
External Links: | |
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Dear Mom is a Kirk/Spock story by Roberta Haga.
It was published in the print zine First Time #18.
"Kirk writes to his mother of his unhappiness due to Spockʼs departure for Gol."
"Dear Mom: I guess if you were any other person you'd tear this up and never speak to me again. Maybe that's why they made some people mothers so the rest of us would always have someone who'd never turn us away. I've been so busy there's been no time. No, that's not true. There's been time to write, to have called, sent you a message at least. I don't know if it can be called an excuse or not, but I've been afraid to contact you. Afraid of what I'd say, of what you'd say. I'm in love, mom. So deep it hurts. How come you never told me it could hurt like this? I'm drunk, mom, that's why I'm not making much sense. It's the only way I could find the courage to tell you any of this."
Reactions and Reviews
DEAR MOM by Roberta Haga is a charming little piece (hand written to add just the right spice to the story) consisting of a series of letters from Kirk to his mother discussing his feelings for Spock. I really enjoyed reading this. [1]
- ^ from On the Double #9