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Star Trek TOS Fanfiction
Title: Confrontation
Author(s): Connie Faddis
Date(s): 1976
Genre: gen
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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Confrontation is a 1976 Star Trek: TOS story by Connie Faddis.

It is unusual in that it is written in one fan's universe (The Sahaj Universe) and utilizes another fan's universe (Spock Enslaved).

The story appears in IDIC #3 which was where Leslye Lilker's Sahaj stories began, which means that Faddis had Lilker's permission to write this story with her characters. It appears that Faddis did not have D.T. Steiner's permission to re-imagine some of the aspects of Spock Enslaved!.

Faddis's story, "Confrontation" was written because she wanted to is "to explore the Spock-McCoy relationship under stress, an opportunity which was not explored in depth." This was something Faddis admits alters Steiner's story.

This is all the more intriguing as it was Lilker herself that scolded another fan for unauthorized use of one of her fanon terms, something that Lilker later apologized for.

Faddis' Author's Notes

From IDIC #3:

SPOCK ENSLAVED, a fan-written novel by D.T.Steiner, postulated a Roman world, similar in some ways to the alien culture in " Bread and Circuses", but more advanced and harsh. Kirk, Spock, McCoy and other crewpersons are trapped on the planet and enslaved, while the Enterprise is apparently blown out of space. The new slaves are added to the household of the Prefect, Octavian, a sensualist with a streak of casual sadism. Octavian takes particular interest in Spock, whom he sees as a champion stallion to be broken, owned and used. He puts Spock to enormous pressures in attempts to break the Vulcan to his will, including a brutal, nearly fatal beating and branding. Devastated by his experiences, Spock is nursed by another of the household slaves, an innocent girl named Deeja, whom Spock takes as mate.

The remainder of the story revolves around Octavian's continued campaign to gain Spock's compliance, and Spock's efforts to resist. Octavian has Kirk tortured in an effort to control Spock, and the closeness of Spock and Kirk is tested and affirmed. After several months of feigned obedience, the crewmen plan a revolt, and Spock sends Deeja, now pregnant with his child, into hiding for her safety.

"Confrontation" takes up at this point, in an attempt to explore the Spock-McCoy relationship under stress, an opportunity which was not explored in depth in the novel. Admittedly, these scenes would alter some of Ms. Steiner's final chapters, but the substance of the plot would remain essentially the same.