Comes the Sun

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Title: Comes the Sun ("ghoSbej juHHov")
Publisher: Hemlock and Thistle Press
Date(s): May 1995
Medium: print
Genre: gen
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
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Comes the Sun ("ghoSbej juHHov") is a gen Star Trek: TOS Klingon anthology of fiction by Sue Ann Weaver.

It is illustrated by Anna-Karin Larsson.

The zine is has an original character-focus and contains no canon Trek characters. The stories They are about Imperial Mounted Guard."

front cover
back cover

Despite the "1" in the title, this was the only issue.

Comes the Sun 1 contains 105 pages and is subtitled, "Kraaxi Chronicles."

Author's Foreword

Comes the Sun is not a novel, but a series of inter-related novellas and stories. They weren't written in chronological order ("QaHIr" was written first, "Through the Portal" last), but for best comprehension, they should be read that way. Comes the Sun is an admittedly amateur effort and merely one fan's conception of Klingon life. If the reader is skeptical of my interpretations, please remember that Star Trek is science fantasy and NOTHING in the Star Trek universe is irrevocably chisled [sic] in stone.

Neither these nor the original Kraaxi Chronicles (which were written for the now-defunct Klin'zine, WarHorz) are stand-alone stories, nor do they transpire in a 'standard' Klingon universe. Therefore, for newcomers' convenience. Comes the Sun incorporates a glossary and characters roster. I suggest anyone new to my Klingon universe consult the following glossary sections before reading Comes the Sun: Frey'aar, Imperial Mounted Guard, Kraaxi, lur Dechma', quvey, ro' HoS ghom, vay raphe', and watlhiw.

More volumes (including Sue Isle/Sue Weaver Kraaxi Chronicles collaborations and a Kraaxi Companion guidebook) will follow as time, energy, and finances permit.

Line Doqro', the Imperial Mounted Guard, the Suvwl' runes, and lur Dechma' are, y own creations. They aren't copyrighted and I encourage any Klinfans who would like to 'borrow' them, to incorporate them into their own works. However, I request that my primary characters and the ro' HoS ghom not be borrowed for publication purposes without my prior consent.

Furthermore, I invite 20th century Klingons interested in adopting Line Doqro' personae to do so.

Enormous thanks spill out to all the good folks who read manuscripts and/or provided much-needed encouragement and constructive criticism. These include: Sue Frank, Anna-Karin Larsson, Sue Isle, Ann Schwader, Stacy Corder, Helen Sargeam, Marie Spinella-Phillips, Gail Garrow, and Dave Krakiow. And an extra special thanks to my patient, long-suffering spouse of lo these twenty-two years — who continually offers me love and assistance, no matter what. Weavie, you're the BEST!


  • Prologue -- Stud Muffin (reprinted from WarHorz #10, "the story that inspired 'QaHIr')
  • Through the Portal (novella) (1)
  • QaHIr (40)
  • Skeleton Dance (42)
  • vlt tay (45)
  • Coming to Consciousness (novella) (48)
  • Binokk's Rite (74)
  • Mountain Air (81)
  • Character Roster (91)
  • Glossary (93)

Interior Sample

Reactions and Reviews

In 1995, she assembled "Comes the Sun," her collected stories of a Klingon Imperial Guard unit stationed on a planet called Kraaxi. Not only are her Klingon characters richly developed, but she has a knack for aliens of her own creation, notably the Kraaxi people, and a delightful way with Ferengi types. And if I ever get KomereXXX II together, her unique additions to Klingon sexual vocabulary will finally see the light. [1]
