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Citizens of the Cosmos

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Title: Citizens of the Cosmos
Editor(s): Debbie Gitschlag
Date(s): 1983-at least 1985
Medium: print
Genre: gen
Fandom: multimedia
Language: English
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Citizens of the Cosmos is a gen multifandom anthology of fiction.

a 1983 flyer for the zine, printed in Imperium #1

A Joint Project: Pen Pals!

Around 1984, two zines -- this one, and A Galaxy Far, Far Away -- began to offer a pen pal service.

a flyer for the pen pal and correspondence list, printed in Echo Seven
Citizens of the Cosmos and A Galaxy Far,Far Away will finally offer a long-demanded pen pal list/service.

This list will be available to all at $2,00 each. It will be approximately 25 pages long and contain the names and addresses of all who love Star Wars, Star Trek, Dr. Who, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Battlestar Galactica, The Tomorrow People, and many other types of science fiction and fantasy.

In addition, we will have a minimum amount of space for small ads, zines, 'wanted' and 'for sale' sections, and 'trade pals only'. ALL ads and pen pal listings will be printed free of charge. To receive a listing, however, will cost you, whether you are a subscriber to Citizens of the Cosmos or A Galaxy Far,Far Away, or not.

When sending in your listing to be printed, please be sure to PRINT or TYPE plainly. We will not run your ad if we can't read it. List your name, address, age, interests, hobbies, and whatever you'd like others to know about you. You MAY list in over one section if you want to.

We will include some great small pieces of artwork on our pen pal listIIf you'd like yours to be seen,send it to us with your ad.Art will be returned to you only if you provide the proper postage.

Our first listing of the Citizens of the Cosmos Pen Pals will be available after August 1st, 1984.Hurry and get your ad in to us before this fall listing is closed. We will not print another list until the New Year (1985!!).

Issue 1

Citizens of the Cosmos 1 was published in 1983.

From a flyer: "Although this issue is dedicated mainly to Star Wars and Star Trek based stories, art, poems, etc., the future issues will cover all subjects in the realm of science fiction/fantasy."

Issue 2

Citizens of the Cosmos 2

According to a flyer, this issue was to "be available after April 15th, 1983. It will be approximately 135 pages, with major stories on Star Wars and The Tomorrow People, plus short stories, poetry, and art."

Issue 3

Citizens of the Cosmos 3

Issue 4

Citizens of the Cosmos 4

Issue 5

Citizens of the Cosmos 5 was published in 1985.

  • Strategy for Evil by Autumn Lee (a Doctor Who novel)
  • The Goddess of Anguine by Lynne Walker (The Tomorrow People)
  • art by Leslie Paul Diaz and Myles Bos
  • cartoons
  • a fantasy story by Alma Hedrick