Category talk:Homestuck Fanworks

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I'm not a fan of generic [fandom] fanwork categories, but Homestuck seems to be a special case where a lot of the fanworks, even the material labeled as fanfic seems to be multimedia or imitate the format of the canon. Is there a name for this type of fanwork? We have a fan comic template that might be appropriate for some of them. Meanwhile, there's a Category:Multimedia, which I don't think has been used much (I don't see any social media AUs in the category) that might be appropriate for some of the fanfic+art works.--aethel (talk) 01:07, 20 July 2022 (UTC)

From what I know about Homestuck, fanworks that intimate the style of the comic are referred to as fanventures. Fine with a rename to Homestuck Fanventures as a special category for this fandom if that's something you would like to explore. Pinky G Rocket (talk) 22:56, 3 August 2022 (UTC)