Brightly as a King

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Title: Brightly as a King
Author(s): Susan K. Dundas
Date(s): 1989
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Brightly as a King is a Kirk/Spock story by Susan K. Dundas. It has a sequel called Affections Dark as Erbus.

It was published in the print zine Within the Mirror #3.


"While trapped in the mirror universe, Kirk is used by the mirror Spock who is in pon farr, and Spock is forced to couple with the Mirror Kirk."

Reactions and Reviews


[Brightly as a King and Affections Dark as Erbus] together are an excellent study of the differences in the bonds between our Kirk and Spock and those of the mirror universe. Poor Spock, forced to stand by helplessly while his beloved Kirk was being taken by the mirror Spock. I liked the part after our Kirk returns to his own universe and K & S ask each other for forgiveness even though both are blameless. The mirror Kirk was an interesting character, unable to admit his love for his own Spock but nevertheless jealous because Spock had mated with the other Kirk. Hope to see more from this author in the future. [1]

Here we have an interaction between the series-based Kirk and Spock and their "mirror" counterparts. The "mirror" Kirk is presented as a power-tripping, thoroughly obnoxious man who has a penchant for getting "fucked through the galaxy." He and the "real" Kirk have exchanged places. Through the bond, the "real" Spock knows that his captain and lover is being forced to serve the "mirror" Spock in Pon Farr. The only way for the "real" Spock to get his bondmate out of this nightmarish situation is for him to have intercourse with the "mirror" Kirk. This is quite a dilemma for Spock, as the selfish, mocking "mirror" Kirk both mentally and physically turns him off as a sexual partner. How the situation is resolved is quite compellingly written. My only nit-pick is that the story ends too quickly, after the two Kirks have exchanged places. I would have liked to see more on how the series Kirk recovers from his trauma. [2]
