Bounty Trail

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Fan Film
Title: Bounty Trail
Creator: Justin Dix
Date: June 1999
Length: 14 minutes
Medium: video
Genre: science fiction
Fandom: Star Wars
URL: YouTube, IMDB

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Poster for Star Wars fan film Bounty Trail.
Poster for Star Wars fan film Bounty Trail.

Bounty Trail is a Star Wars fan film created in Australia, written and directed by Justin Dix.

Produced by Imagineer Studios, it was released in June 1999.


Boba Fett hunts a new target across the galaxy, but he's not the only hunter on the trail.



Alternative Versions

On his website, with scanned pages of the script, Jeremy Sadler writes:

In 1996, I interviewed[1] Justin Dix for Frontier about his Star Wars fan film, Bounty Trail. He asked if I would do a pass on the script, and I gleefully agreed... Unfortunately, I went overboard... way over the top with how much could be achieved on a limited, fan film budget. I went big... Justin liked it, but of course it was too big for what he wanted, and the final product goes a different and some say even more creative direction.[2]

This version is available to read on Archive Of Our Own.

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