Blood (Forever Knight story)

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Title: Blood
Author(s): Imajiru
Date(s): 9 October 1995
Length: short story
Genre(s): drama
Fandom(s): Forever Knight
External Links: "Blood" on, "Blood" on Imajiru's personal site (Wayback link)

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"Blood" is a Forever Knight story by Imajiru. It was originally posted to the FORKNI-L mailing list, and then archived on both and the author's personal website.

The story is unusual in presenting a negative perspective, not on the ability of the vampire protagonist, Nick Knight, to live safely with a mortal woman whom he loves, but rather on her ability to adapt to characteristics of vampires that she had known about in theory but never had to cope with in practice. Natalie fell in love with Nick. She found herself living with a vampire—and there was a lot she hadn't expected.