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Pairing: Blaise Zabini/Hermione Granger
Alternative name(s): Blamione, Blaisemione, Hermaise, Mionaise, Blaise/Hermione, B/Hr, BZ/HG, H.M.S. Overworked and Underappreciated[1]
Gender category: m/f, het
Fandom: Harry Potter
Canonical?: no
Prevalence: rare
Archives: It's Always the Quiet Ones
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Blaise/Hermione, the pairing of Harry Potter characters Blaise Zabini and Hermione Granger, is a het rarepair in Harry Potter fandom.


Started pre-HBP, when we knew nothing about Blaise from canon. The most popular fanon assumed Blaise was a white Italian male (see e.g. this art), but there was also a small following for Hermione/girl!Blaise (see FAP thread, Archived version).

Draco/Hermione/Blaise is also somewhat popular (H.M.S Always the Quiet Ones, Archived version).

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  1. ^ FictionAlley Park. SCUSA Master Ship List and Ship Registry Submissions, Archived version. Updated 19 April 2010. (Accessed 13 June 2012.)