Are You Game?

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Journal Community
Name: Are You Game?
Date(s): 2009-06-12 - present
Moderator: wyldbutterflies, yohjideranged
Founder: yohjideranged
Type: Thing-a-thon (Fanfiction, Fanart)
Fandom: Video Games
URL: Are You Game?

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Are You Game? (also known as AYG) is a fic and art prompt community for video games and game franchises. [1] The community accepts both fic and art fills for prompts.


The community accepts prompts and fills for all video game fandoms, including prompts from anonymous users. It also accepts crossovers, but only between video game fandoms. [2] A wide variety of video game fandoms have been prompted and filled, large and small. The format of the community is very similar to that of Springkink on Livejournal or Kinkfest on Insanejournal, in that prompts are submitted with associated dates during the posting month, and the posts for the prompts are supposed to be made on that date.

The community is hosted entirely on Dreamwidth; there is no official collection for the community on AO3, a community tag for filtering works does exist. Authors can use it on reposted works as they see fit. (Freeform Tag - Community: areyougame)


The first post to the AYG community was made by yohjideranged on June 12th, 2009, announcing a round of prompt submissions in July of that year and a round of posted fills in August. Since then the community has been run almost continuously for six years, with twenty rounds of prompts and fills in total. Master lists of fills have been posted as well, for browsing purposes.

In addition to regular prompt/fill cycles, there have also been a number of Retiring Prompt Posts, in which prompts that have been requested but never written or drawn are posted. These usually happen the month before the prompting for a new round begins, to clear out the list.

The community was placed on indefinite hiatus in December of 2016, due to the mod's real life commitments. [3]


Since all video game fandoms are accepted, the community has received prompts for a great variety of games. The most common fandoms found on the site are Console RPGs, but computer MMORPGs like Guild Wars and World of Warcraft are also found there, as are browser-based games like Fallen London.

Here are some examples of fandoms that are commonly posted on AYG, both in fills and in prompts:


  1. ^ Game franchise will also be accepted. So, if the game has been made into a movie, book, anime, etc. it is fair game. Please note that the game has to have been first then made into a movie, book, anime, etc. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. Community Profile. Accessed Dec. 2, 2012
  2. ^ You may prompt anonymously if you are shy about your kinks. Prompting for het, yaoi, yuri, and gen are equally welcome. Please limit any crossovers to games only. Prompting Instructions for July 2015. Accessed Sept. 1st, 2015
  3. ^ State of the Community