A Surfeit of Ecstasy

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Title: A Surfeit of Ecstasy
Author(s): Martyn Samuelson
Date(s): mid to late 1970s, probably 1977
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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A Surfeit of Ecstasy is a Star Trek: TOS story by Martyn Samuelson.

It was published in the print zine Obsczine. [1]


Some strange pebbles, which only affect the female crewmembers cause them all to retire to their cabins and, well, it is very, very subtle, but it appears this story is about masturbation, the main clues being the women are confined to their quarters and Kirk's face gets really red when McCoy explains why.

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"A Surfeit of Ecstasy", by Martyn Samuelson, is just what is given by some strange, vibrating crystals taken aboard the ship and kept as souvenirs by the female crew. [2]


  1. ^ not be confused with Obsc'zine
  2. ^ from Not Tonight Spock! #9