A Soldier's Reason

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Title: A Soldier's Reason
Publisher: Nova Publication
Editor: Helen McCarthy
Author(s): Kate Davies
Cover Artist(s): Steve Kyte
Date(s): March 1983 (second edition was May 1983)
Medium: print
Size: full-sized
Genre: gen or het
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
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A Soldier's Reason is a 68-page Star Trek: TOS novel by Kate Davies. The cover is by Steve Kyte.

front cover, Steve Kyte, the back cover is blank

The Author Comments


And now onto what ought to be the fun bit - the Author's Dedication. This is the bit where I get let loose to pour out some piece of meaningful verse, and dedicate it to my life's inspiration. Or so I thought. In this case, of course, I reckoned without the presence of that unholy trinity; The Editor, The Artist, and The Husband, who, throughout the turgid business of naming this thing, have exerted what might politely be called a "moderating influence". Gentle reader... if you have never read any of my turgid verse, you will never know just how much you have to thank them for! I will not even begin to list the six million plaguerised [sic] titles I dreamt up for the cover, all dismissed by the fearsome threesome with words such as

"You can't call it that -
It sounds like K/S
People won't buy the zine
If they think its K/S!
K/S? Me??? Hell, I guess I must be an innocent. At any rate I defy anyone to find anything K/S in the title we eventually got! But now of course, I have the stencil in the typewriter and its [sic] going to the printers tomorrow— hey..hey! I HAVE ABSOLUTE POWER!!!! (She reaches for her Bartlet's [sic] Quotations. I CAN BE AS TURGID AS I LIKE!!!

The Editor Comments

From the editor's notes include much about the role of a zine editor and includes:

My editorial role has, in fact, been sheer pleasure. Though Kate's grammar, syntax and spelling leave much to be desired, her writing is stylish, charming and original; she has, as Steve remarked on reading the proof copy prior to taking on the job [of artist], 'a voice of her own.'

She also writes:

Typist Interruptus: syn tax is only payable on K/S zines, as the Editor ought to know!
