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A Day in the Life of a Yahoo! Groups Owner

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Title: A Day in the Life of a Yahoo! Groups Owner
Creator: Jezebel T. Jordan
Date(s): 2003
Medium: online zine
Fandom: Hanson
Topic: Yahoo! Groups
External Links: dh.darkclouds.net:80/one/jezgroup.html
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A Day in the Life of a Yahoo! Groups Owner is a 2003 article written by Jezebel T. Jordan for the first issue of the online Hanson zine Destination Hanson.


A lot of you may already know me; however, I am going to introduce myself anyway. My name is Jez, and I am co-owner of the Yahoo group Taylor for Breakfast. I run the group with my friend, Cheryl, whom I have dubbed "the web guru of darkness."

One of the things I wanted to mention is how badly we owners want you all to participate. So many of the groups I belong to have posts upon posts that read, "Where is everyone? Should I just shut this group down, or what?" Or, "Even if you don’t write, please give us writers some feedback. That’s what inspires us to write more stories for you to enjoy." You see, we group owners wrack our brains on a daily basis to keep you guys happy and interested in remaining a part of the group. We WANT to share and spread the love we feel for our favorite musical trio.

Trust me, there is a group out there that will fit your needs and give you what you are looking for. Hanson news, photos, links to more, great Hanson websites and groups. You name it there is a group for it. And along with that, a whole group of people that could become good friends.