A Crown of Candy

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Name: Dimension 20: A Crown of Candy
Abbreviation(s): ACoC
Creator: Dimension 20
Date(s): 8 Apr 2020 - 5 Aug 2020
Medium: Podcast, Actual-play
Country of Origin: United States
External Links: Dropout
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A Crown of Candy is an actual-play podcast by Dimension 20 featuring the Intrepid Heroes with Brennan Lee Mulligan acting as DM. It takes place in "the realm of Calorum - a realm made of six food-themed lands"[1] and follows the members of House Rocks, who rule over the kingdom of Candia.

The show is one of the most popular campaigns in the Dimension 20 series. It spawned a spin-off campaign about the events of The Ravening War, set approximately 20 years before the events of A Crown of Candy.


The campaign explores the world of Calorum, where each kingdom is based around a different food group from the American food pyramid. The genre of the campaign is best described as a crossover between Game of Thrones and Candyland.


Player Characters

Major NPCs


The two most popular pairings for this fandom on AO3 are Lapin Cadbury/Theobald Gumbar and Caramelinda Rocks/Lazuli Rocks.[2]


  1. ^ Dimension 20: A Crown of Candy. Accessed 24 July 2024.
  2. ^ Campaign 05: A Crown of Candy tag on AO3. Accessed 24 July 2024.