A Bond Unto Death

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Title: A Bond Unto Death
Author(s): Ariadne
Date(s): 2002
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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A Bond Unto Death is a Kirk/Spock story by Ariadne.

It was published in the print zine First Time #54.


"Kirk begins acting strangely towards Spock, only to regret his actions when it finally alienates Spock from him."

Reactions and Reviews

"A Bond Unto Death" was sixteen pages. It is written in first person—sometimes with Kirk being the one talking and sometimes with Spock doing the talking. I'm just not into long first person stories at all. So this made it hard for me to relate to the story. And, unfortunately, the plot wasn't all that devious. I figure most readers like me know almost immediately what caused Kirk to act the way he did. And it makes Kirk and the others look bad that it takes them so long to figure it out. This isn't a bad story—it's just not one that I personally care for. It doesn't push my right buttons. [1]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #72