5 Days - 143 Hours - 8086 Minutes

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Title: 5 Days - 143 Hours - 8086 Minutes
Author(s): delicatale
Date(s): 27 April 2011
Length: 1,875 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: 5 Days - 143 Hours - 8086 Minutes (kissemdanno)

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5 Days - 143 Hours - 8086 Minutes is a Steve/Danny story by delicatale.

Summary: It took them 5 days, 14 hours and 43 minutes to get Danny back. Steve didn't think he'd be the one needing Danny afterwards.

Recs and Reviews

As a finale this month, I leave you with one of my favorite Steve/Danno fics. This is all raw emotion. The reader feels everything in the gut, especially Steve's desperation while Danny is gone and the emotion on the beach when he has Danny home. I love seeing Steve's character explored like this where we get to see how very deep his emotional well runs. There's a lot going on beneath all those muscles and those smoky eyes. And Danny's there to give him the hugs and comfort he needs [1]
