(I) forget

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Title: (I) forget
Author(s): Elizabeth
Date(s): 22 January 2002
Length: 24 K, 4376 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Smallville
External Links: (I) forget (Smallville Slash Archive)
(I) forget (AO3)

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(I) forget is a Lex/Other story by Elizabeth.

Summary: A boy and his shrink.

Recs and Reviews

(I) forget by Elizabeth - This story makes me hurt. It's painful. Lex speaks, clearly, almost dispassionately, and there's a chill behind the words. Squick warning: the relationship between father and son isn't wholesome, here. But that's sort of the point. And then there are some Clark musings. Yum.[1]
