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Title: Zaghruda
Author(s): CazQ
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Zaghruda (Ephemeral)

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Zaghruda is a Mulder/Krycek story by CazQ.

Category/keywords: V, A, M/K slash, sort of post-col, UST all over the place
Rating: NC-17 for explicit sexual interaction (including m/m)
Spoilers: 'Sleepless', the abduction arc, possibly very light for certain 'Requiem' visuals. And you all know about the whole thing with the chips in people's necks, right?
Summary: "She did scream, you were right, your name, God's name..."
Distribution: Yes to Gossamer. Xemplary: no. Anywhere else: please ask me first. [...]
Author's note: Onions, this is largely your fault. Yes, it's dark, angsty boyslash, and yes, I'm as surprised as you are since this is hardly my usual XF vibe, but hey, man, give slash a chance <g>. After publicly saying recently that if I ever wrote slash it would probably be Sk/D and under another pen-name, I thought that the obvious thing to do would be to write M/K slash under my usual pen-name. I was probably drugged.

Recs and Reviews

(XF, NC17) It's so good to see a writer coloring outside the lines, trying something new, challenging his or herself. Caz, previously known as a writer of melancholic MSR of crystalline beauty (and Pendrellfic <g>) writes M/K with such an assured touch that it's hard to believe it's her first time. I particularly liked the imagery of blood ties, of Krycek as the shadow brother of two people so close that there's barely room for daylight to squeeze between them. Another big plus for me is the fact that Scully was almost present even when only Mulder and Krycek were there. Deliciously angsty[1]


  1. ^ Your Mileage May Vary: Recs, via Wayback: 2001. (Accessed 10 April 2015)