You Are A Drug And It Is Quick

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Title: You Are A Drug And It Is Quick
Author(s): Juliet
Date(s): April 2016-April 2017
Length: 30 chapters
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): Hanson
External Links: You Are A Drug And It Is Quick

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You Are A Drug And It Is Quick is a het Hanson fanfic written by Juliet.

The story centers around a Hanson fan named Abby who moves to Tulsa after her divorce and meets Zac soon after. The two quickly become friends with benefits, although they struggle to come to terms with their real feelings and with others who try to interfere in their relationship.

Reactions and Reviews

Abby is a unique character, in several ways, and her backstory adds another interesting element to the story. That and the fans-to-friends-to-lovers conflict mix together nicely, creating a really solid plot, although there are a few things that I wish had gotten a bit more foreshadowing.

You Are A Drug And It Is Quick is an incredibly quick, but meaty, read, and I can certainly see why it gained such a great reputation. Although most of its elements are ones I have seen in other stories, Juliet combines them all very well. The writing lacks polish at times, but you won’t notice the few grammatical errors once the story sucks you in.[1]


You Are A Drug And It Is Quick is featured in the hall of fame.
