Worth A Thousand Words

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Title: Worth A Thousand Words
Author(s): Kantayra
Date(s): 2003
Length: 20,338
Fandom(s): Buffy the Vampire Slayer
External Links: Archived Link, Ao3

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Worth A Thousand Words is a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fic by Kantayra, focused on the pairing of Buffy/Spike. Originally posted at The Crypt, the fic was later archived at Ao3.


After 'Grave', Buffy watches through the Trio's old tapes and discovers a new side to Spike that she had never realized existed... A sad fic.

Author's Note: Yeah, this occurs after 'Grave'. As in, Spike's off in Africa and has already gotten his soul, and Buffy's back in Sunnydale with the whole post-apocalyptic thing. I am warning you right now. This is not a happy fic. In fact, it'll probably be nice and depressing. But I figured it'd be a good idea to give Buffy the same view of Spike that his fans had...and we all know how depressed we are right about now...

Reactions and Reviews

Buffy finds Trio's surveillance tapes and gets a chance to revisit and rethink her relationship with Spike. Kantayra combines traditional plot devices - "second take" and "another angle" with very effective results. PG

Moscow Watcher[1]

More Kantayra, this one's really neat because it refuses to take the easy way out. While I'm a sucker for shmoop, I prefer people to recognize that 'happily ever after' doesn't come easy -- if at all.

the eggplant tyrant [2]


  1. ^ Five classic Spuffy tales posted at [buffyversetop5]] by Moscow Watcher, 2006.
  2. ^ ever notice my updates increase exponentially when I have nothing better to do? a [[LJ post including recs by eggplant_tyrant, 2004.