Work-in-Progress (Star Trek: TOS story)

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Title: Work-in-Progress
Author(s): Jenna Sinclair
Date(s): 2005
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Work-in-Progress is a Kirk/Spock story by Jenna Sinclair.

It was published in the print zine The Celebration Zine.


"On the night that ends his first year as captain of the Enterprise, Kirk is surprised when invited to Spockʼs cabin for a drink of wine."

Reactions and Reviews

What I notice about Jenna's story is that she makes the context very clear. These are particular, recognisable people—her K&S have their own special flavour which is vivid and alive. It seems to me that writing K/S successfully is not about getting the characters just right so much as conjuring up a detailed vision that draws the reader in. Jenna's K&S are different from, for instance, Eva Stewart's or Dovya Blaque's but each version is alive while you read the work of these excellent writers. Back to this story...the pages of reflection as the pair look back over the first year missions and keep touching on their relationship lightly, then drawing back, make an effective foreplay to the moment where Kirk kisses Spock. And then, what a celebration! Again, vividly in context. A lovely story.[1]

For some reason the way this story begins, “on the evening before the day...” captures my interest from the start. I enjoy “hearing” the everyday conversations between them, too. “Walk with me?” “Of course.” Sigh. A nice setup for the celebration the crew has planned to celebrate Kirk’s captaincy of the Enterprise. I found the reflections they shared after the revelry ended to be ultimately satisfying. When all is said and done, I find I approve heartily of Kirk’s style of celebration—by offering Spock a first kiss. What a fine moment this is. And the exhilarating, sizzling moments that follow aren’t bad, either! A love scene worthy of celebration! [2]

Once again, I was excited to see a new story by one of my very favorite authors. It’s the eve of the one year anniversary of Kirk’s taking command of the Enterprise, which is a cause of much reflection for Kirk, most of which centers around his Vulcan science officer. I liked the way Kirk referred to his relationship with Spock as a work-in-progress. I loved Kirk and Spock’s discussion of Kirk’s first year in command, and then the turn the conversation takes to the personal. Written with Jenna’s usual skill (much of it is dialogue, which rings so true and sounds exactly like Kirk and Spock), this is a wonderful first time story. I love how it ends : “The work-in-progress that had been two Starfleet officers serving together on the Enterprise had transformed itself into something infinitely more precious. He smiled as he fell into priceless dreams: the next one hundred years would be wonderful.” [3]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #101
  2. ^ from The K/S Press #102
  3. ^ from The K/S Press #105