Work, Work, Work!

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Title: Work, Work, Work!
Author(s): Katherine Robertson (Marian Kelly)
Date(s): 1980
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
External Links: online here

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Work, Work, Work! is a gen Starsky & Hutch story by Katherine Robertson.

It was printed in Casa Cabrillo.

Reactions and Reviews


On the humorous side, ‘The Waiting Game’ and “Work, Work, Work’ provide genuinely witty relief to the grimness of the rest of the zine. As exercises in stretching the basic double-entendre, both are delightful. [1]

Work, Work, Work! -- Goddamn that Marian! I was laughing so hard that my side hurt, and my family is again convinced that I shouldn't be reading Cabrillo, I should be staying there. Just one more thing, will she give Ramon equal time? [...] [2]

Liked Marian Kelly's Work, Work, Work ... but didn't completely understand it. I must have missed something along the way.

[...] [3]

Work, Work, Work! Started laughing and had a hard time stopping. The only thing I was left wondering about is when Starsky is going to hear that tape and just what color of red he's likely to turn. [4]


  1. ^ from S and H #16
  2. ^ from remnants of a letter of comment by Liz Tucker, likely sent directly to the publisher
  3. ^ from remnants of a letter of comment by Dee Brandell, likely sent directly to the publisher
  4. ^ from remnants of a letter of comment by Jeri Koch, likely sent directly to the publisher