Without Me

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Title: Without Me
Creator: sisabet and drdawn
Date: 2004?
Format: WMV
Length: 3:04 minutes
Music: "Without Me" by eminem
Fandom: Angel

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Without Me is a Lilah Morgan character study fanvid by sisabet and drdawn. The vid appeared on WOAD DVD disk 3.

Vidder's notes: It was the case of watching the episode “Home,” rejoicing over Lilah’s triumphant reappearance, seeing a livejournal icon with the caption “Guess Who’s Back?” and somewhere along the way realizing that Lilah won. Also, that she is Slim Shady. Actually, that part was kinda obvious.

See also Vidder's notes: Without Me DVD Commentary, Archived version


  • "Because Lilah is the Real Slim Shady. Yes, she's back! It is glorious. Who ever knew that this song would correspond so beautifully with S4? I watched this vid years ago, and it's been stuck in my mind ever since. Sisabet and Dr Dawn are brilliant, I would have never thought of it. And of course, great editing, just an amazing job picking out short bursts of clips that go so well with the lyrics." ~ feedback at the crack van rec.
  • "This video kicks ass and takes name- and so does the featured character Lila. This is just such a clever concept and a brilliant execution and a big giant shitload of FUN! This is a vid I watch over and over to catch all of the nuances. The clip choice is bloody brilliant and I would have NEVER thought this song was vidable. Watching this makes me despair of ever being a really great vidder- but it makes me glad other folks are!" ~ feedback at mediacow.net