With a Vengeance

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Title: With a Vengeance
Author(s): Rachel Lee Arlington
Date(s): 14 September 1997
Length: 56K
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: online here
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With a Vengeance is a Scully/Mulder story by Rachel Lee Arlington.

Story Header

"Summary: after five long and eventful years, Mulder and Scully finally get to grips with each other (snigger).

DISCLAIMER: In a thrilling development, the Supreme Court today awarded ownership of the X Files to the fanfic writers of the world. The characters of Fox Mulder and Dana Scully stated that they were delighted with the judgement, as they have a damn sight more fun with us than they do with Chris Carter. Mr Carter is currently awaiting trial on charges of maliciously defacing an area of outstanding natural beauty. (Though it is understood that Mr Krycek's arm has in fact been recovered.)

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This story was inspired by a comment Gillian Anderson made to the effect that if Mulder and Scully *were* to get together after all this time, it would be intense rather than romantic. So when they come to film this, she'll be happy with her character anyhow. I should also acknowledge the people who wrote all those millions of K's of 'G' rated MSR on the Gossamer archive. If it were not for them, I wouldn't have been driven to write this, and I would missed out on all this fun.

TIMELINE: This is a mid season five story, all difficulties re the body on Mulder's floor and Scully's cancer having been resolved. (Don't worry, the story tells you how, I wouldn't leave you not knowing.) Though for some reason Mulder's apartment has reverted to its season one floorplan. Spooky huh?

DEDICATION: It'll be a sad day when I dedicate an MSR to anyone but my very own Agent Scully ... five foot two with red (or orange or pink or purple) hair and freckles and sweet curves and sceptical eyebrows. For Nina.

Reactions and Reviews

There is no easy way to say this so I’ll just spit it out: “Without A Vengeance” is fight!sex crackfic. The story does kind of address the big unresolved issues of season four: Scully’s anger toward Mulder for his being a condescending jackass, Mulder’s guilt about her cancer (and everything else that’s gone wrong in her life). There’s even a “Gethsemane” resolution, in theory. But it was written and posted months before Redux I and II so it doesn’t match up with season five in tone or content at all. To make up for that, you get a hot sex scene. A very hot sex scene. [1]
