With a Little Help from My Friends (Professionals story)

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The Professionals Fanfiction
Title: With a Little Help from My Friends
Author(s): Kate Santovani
Date(s): 1984
Genre: gen
Fandom: The Professionals
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With a Little Help from My Friends is a Professionals story by Kate Santovani.

It was published in Time Warp #6/7 Volume 2.

Editor's Summary

This story is based on a British crime-fighter show called THE PROFESSIONALS. The British show is well written, well acted, beautifully produced, and—as far as I know — has appeared in this country only on LA and Chicago (or was it Detroit?) networks. However, Kate's story is so well written, and so tightly plotted, that it stands on its own as an excellent action-adventure novella. It passes the one test that all too many fan stories fail to pass: it can be read by a non-fan, by someone who has never seen the program it has been derived from. So come, meet Bodie and Doyle, the charismatic heroes of THE PROFESSIONALS — and then, if you make it to Media*West Con, keep an eagle eye out. There's sure to be someone there with a tape or two (or even three!) of this excellent British show.

Reactions and Reviews

What follows, therefore, is a series of hints or suggestions for whatever brave soul finally decides to do a proper review. To begin with, the one comment I can make with some degree of expertise is in regard to Kate Santovani's "With A Little Help From My Friends". I have never seen The Professionals, but the author managed to fill in the backgrounds of the characters and setting without breaking the flow of the story. And not once did either the professionals or the amateur (or for that matter, the villain) make any stupid mistakes just to advance the plot or lengthen the story. This is my home genre, and this is a damn well done story. [1]

...a wonderful, tightly plotted, tender PROFESSIONALS story. [2]


  1. ^ by Bill Vandewater from Scoundrel #6
  2. ^ from Southern Enclave #10