A Wiseguy Approach to Cooking

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Title: A Wiseguy Approach to Cooking
Publisher: Almost Foolproof Press
Date(s): 1995
Medium: print
Fandom: Wiseguy
Language: English
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A Wiseguy Approach to Cooking is a 16-page cookbook that illustrates that these three can do more than have sex with each other!

front cover
the recipes

Summary from an ad in GAZ: "Features Irish (Frank McPike), Italian (Vinnie Terranova), and Vietnamese (Roger Lococco) recipes, including appetizers, main courses and desserts. A G-rated cookbook with a short intro about Frank, Vinnie and Roger in the kitchen. Digest size. Makes a perfect gift."

From another ad: "A G-rated cookbook with an intro about Frank, Vinnie, and Roger in the kitchen. Has Irish, Italian, and Thai recipes."