Will You Chart the Stars with Me?

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Title: Will You Chart the Stars with Me?
Author(s): Kirk
Date(s): 1983
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Will You Chart the Stars with Me? is a K/S story by Kirk.

It was published in the print zine Naked Singularity.

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A teenaged Kirk & Spock meet at a dude ranch. This Spock, who wouldn't have survived the Kahs-wan, has a horse named T'Pring; He rescues and becomes infatuated with a golden youth named Jim. In a book of romances for pre-teens this might be acceptable. After the first 6 pages, I skimmed the rest, unable to tolerate such nonsense. Doesn't this author listen to how boys talk? [1]


Will You Chart the Stars with Me? is another offender. Jim is a 13 year old hired hand at the dude ranch that 18 year old Spock is to spend 10 days on before returning to Vulcan. Within 5 min. of meeting Jim, Spock has said, "do not be afraid, I would give my life before hurting you." Within an hour, "I have fallen in love with you. I make no apologies for my boldness." After a sappy 12 page teenage romance, Spock learns that he can never see or speak to Jim again. They spend the rest of their lives thinking of each other, and finally die without ever having loved anyone else!! This isn't even close to the Kirk and Spock I know. [2]


  1. ^ from Communicator #17 (May 1984)
  2. ^ from Not Tonight, Spock! #7], comments by Sandy Herrold