Wildly Dangerous Ways
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Fanfiction | |
Title: | Wildly Dangerous Ways |
Author(s): | Speranza |
Date(s): | 2001-05-29 |
Length: | 18160 words |
Genre(s): | slash |
Fandom(s): | Due South |
Relationship(s): | Fraser/Kowalski |
External Links: | online here online at AO3 |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |
Wildly Dangerous Ways is a F/K story by Speranza.
It was podficced in 2009 by Rhea314.
Reactions and Reviews
Highlights: It's all adrenaline. Fraser doesn't want to want Ray. Low Points: Not a shmoopy love fic. (Yes, that is the best I can come up with.) [1]
This update on Slash Slut's Recs were focusing on the essence of denial. Did that sound enough like the intro to a talk show. I meant for it to. That seems to be what all these stories in this update are about, well except for the Sestina Series. Nobody's in denial in that one. At least one person, sometimes both are in it in all the other though. Especially, in this one. Both Fraser and Ray are in denial in this puppy, heavy denial. For what appears to be some time. The story actually starts out at the point where the denial inevitably breaks. Where all the lame excuses they come up with about what else it could possibly be that these two are feeling for one another, just isn't cutting it anymore. They've snapped and decided they need some time apart. Not like permanent time apart, just a little vacation. Time to clear their heads and regain their focus. Yeah, like that's gonna work.<eye roll> They're men though, what do they know.<g> It doesn't work and they just end up thinking about each other more. During this vacation time we see the scope of their relationship and just what's been going on between these two in a series of flashbacks. Whoa, are we talking denial and some horseshit they're shoveling to cover it up. When they get back from their respective vacations they have no clue what to do and they're still screwed up. Eventually, they decided fuck it and just jump. What the hell? I think a line Fraser said can sum up many a slash relationship's angst, "I don't want to want you." Ah, gotta love that kind of angst, always my favorite. Denial in it's essence. Loved this story too. Had some elements of humor to it that kept me chuckling throughout. Speranza's still turning out some great ones. [2]
I feel a little silly recommending this; I don't read Due South fic, I've only seen one episode of Due South (though it was the first one with Ray K., and I liked it), and from what I hear, Due South fans are going to read it in any case, because it's Speranza. And after reading this story, I know why.
So maybe this rec is for those non-Due South fans out there. Basically, I saw a link to it this morning, had a few free minutes and decided to check it out. I have no idea how much time passed--however much time it took me to read the story. I'm thinking about bugging friends for tapes. I'm thinking about reading more Due South fic (and to clarify: the reason I'm thinking about it rather than having already done it, is that I don't have time to get into another fandom! I don't!). But I am definitely glad I spent my morning reading this. [3]
Kowalski goes South and Fraser goes North to get away from each other, but of course, things don't work out quite the way they plan. As is normal with Speranza's work, this story has great voices with real punch; lots of character insights; and it's very funny too. But my favourite thing? The clever way the narrative stitches seamlessly back and forth between Miami and Canada, past and present, Kowalski and Fraser, truth and denial. Sheer brilliance. Highly recommended. [4]