Wild Ones At Heart

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Title: Wild Ones At Heart
Author(s): MagicalGhost96
Date(s): September 24, 2021
Length: 8,767 Words
Genre(s): Slash, Horror, Animal Companion AU
Fandom(s): The Magnus Archives
External Links: AO3 Link

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Wild Ones At Heart is a The Magnus Archives Elias Bouchard/Peter Lukas (aka Lonelyeyes) fic, which is a Daemon AU or a similar heavily Daemon influenced Animal AU. It focuses on the relationship, but also on the relationship between Peter and hid Daemon or "Soulmate" a fox, and Elias (or Jonah in Elias's body as in canon) and his daemon, a dog. In this world, the animal companions are called soulmates and are companions and echoes of a character's soul.

The fic, in themes common for Lonelyeyes fic, explores the fear entity of The Lonely, and how the avatars of The Lonely are expected to not have "Soulmates" or to have very distant/disinterested ones - and how the Lukas family which is connected to The Lonely has this as a tradition or expectation. It also follows Peter as a child first thinking he has none then discovering his (though it is more distant, calm, and mysterious than normal, but well within normal ranges), but keeping it's existence mostly a secret. It also compares and contrasts how Elias/Jonah has to keep his somewhat aloof to fit the proper image, not directly because of The Lonely but because of his coll demeanor and search for power. They end the story being cautious but glad they have discovered eachother's "secrets" - despite the fact that they have been having sex in-story and dating for years, this new sharing of their "secret" makes them now feel more like a team of sorts, and is bringing them closer.

This was published by MagicalGhost96 early on, along with one or two other Lonelyeyes Daemon AU one-shots - including "Fly Away Now". They are generally a well liked and prolific TMA, writer, often Lonelyeyes focused. I was under the impression these were closer to the start of the Daemon AU/His Dark Materials Crossover trend than it actually is, I have since discovered a few fics, about 10, that are Daemon AU in the TMA fandom going to 2019, though the first few include many more short-fic gen stories. Shipping Demon AU fics, with all the daemon touching etc. also becoming a thing ofc. This fic and "Fly Away Now" etc. besides being well-recieved back in that era, seem notable, imo, for how they merge the two worldbuilding elements. One of the main effects of Daemons in the original books is the idea that, according to Lyra Belacqua "you are never truly alone or lonely, because you have your daemon with you." These fics explore how that might change or be affected by a universe that has a literal god/demon, and followers of that demon, based around the fear of loneliness and abandonment. And the author uses that to explore themes that would become popular in the fandom around the characters of Elias Bouchard and Peter Lukas, of their humanity (in the sense of still having normal lives with small enjoyments) contrasted with their monstrousness, sacrifices for power, and so on.

Reception and Reviews

from a_little_lad: this is very cute and I love it but also my heart on that last bit

from LunaIssabella: Not for the first time I want to murder the Lukas family. Like... destroy them forever. Poor Peter.

I have a soft spot for Soulmates and AUs, every one, but the animal-soul-thing is really interesting like... how would you know who your soulmate is with an animal?! But this one is like... yeah makes sense, makes a lot of sense.

Precious Mystery keeping his stuborn soulmate company and Shadow being a sweet bean. Love it.