Whistling in the Dark

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Title: Whistling in the Dark
Author(s): Jane of Australia
Date(s): 1988
Length: 165K
Genre(s): slash
Relationship(s): Bodie/Doyle
External Links: Online at the Professional Circuit Archive

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Whistling in the Dark is part 8 of the Rainy Days Universe. It was published in Cross My Heart no.1

Fan Comments

So, what did you think of Jane's (!) Whistling in the Dark then? Poor Doyle, tied up for three days in that dark cellar, and tortured by the baddies with a gun up his... uhm bum? [1]

Um, well, um...I didn't read it. Yeah, yeah, I know I said I'd read anything h/c with Doyle being hurt, but I forgot the one rule that overrides that (actually there's probably more than one): NO FIRST PERSON. "Whistling" was 1st person, which causes a violent reaction in me and it's not a pretty sight. I did skim it, and don't remember being impressed. Gave my copy away... [2]


  1. ^ post to Virgule-L, quoted anonymously (September 3, 1994)
  2. ^ post to Virgule-L, quoted anonymously with permission (September 3, 1994)