Where the Story Changes

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Title: Where the Story Changes
Author(s): seperis
Length: 25853 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Due South
Relationship(s): Fraser/Kowalski
External Links: online here

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Where the Story Changes is a Fraser/Ray K story by seperis.


"Just post-CotW, Fraser and Ray go to Fraser's cabin to make some decisions and get Ray acclimated."

Reactions and Reviews

An excellent (and incendiary) fic bridging the time between Fraser capturing Muldoon, and the happily ever after sled ride into the sunset.[1]

This is one of the first fics that I ever read that actually have RayK needing to train before the adventure. Not only that the boys are so ridiculously precious while they fall into a relationship that it never fails to make me smile and laugh. This story tells not of two men that go from friends to lovers but of two friends who have both been hurt and are scared of being hurt again that decide to take the leap because they trust the other man that much. It also has Deif being awesome and Frobisher knowing everything before anyone else and not bothering to hide it.[2]


  1. ^ mysticalchild_isis, Archived version, November 2009
  2. ^ a 2013 rec at Crack Van