When He Smiles

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: When He Smiles
Author(s): Roberta Haga
Date(s): 1991
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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When He Smiles is a Kirk/Spock story by Roberta Haga.

It was published in the print zine First Time #28.


"Spock's statement of “being happy” after Omicron Ceti cause Kirk to rethink his idea that Spock might love him."

Reactions and Reviews

I liked this story though I did have a few questions. I would have liked to know what McCoy thought Spock meant by the words he (Spock) said to Kirk on the bridge. This happened in the beginning of the story and I kept thinking about it throughout the whole story. Also, I personally couldn't see Spock going out to deliberately hurt Kirk for something that wasn't really Kirk's fault. One thing that I really did enjoy was the way McCoy was written. He was very persistent and that is exactly how I like to think of him. And he wasn't about to be put off by Kirk. Nope he was bound and determined to get the answer he was seeking. I was curious though as to why McCoy thought that the only way to get rid of the spores was by fighting. Leila got rid of the spores not by fighting but because of the intense feelings she felt for Spock. And she wasn't the only one to rid herself of the spores by other emotions. Kirk did as well. I guess ay favorite part of the story was Spock's attention to Kirk's backside. I really enjoyed reading the way this was written and had several laughs about it. [1]
