What We Have Written

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Title: What We Have Written
Author(s): Tere Ann Roderick
Date(s): 1985
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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art for this story by Marilyn Cole

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What We Have Written is a K/S story written by Tere Ann Roderick. It has art by Marilyn Cole.

It was published in the print zine As I Do Thee #3.


"When Spock returns from a mission after V'Ger, Kirk writes him a letter, trying to regain his friendship without revealing his deeper feelings."

Reactions and Reviews


A lovely story, in a subtle way, close to Kirk's heart. After Vger, Spock was gone on some assignment for two years. Adm. Kirk is now writing a welcome home letter to him, and congratulating him on promotion to captain. Oh he wishes he could say so much more; but he won't, won't lay his needful feelings on Spock. Finally the letter he writes has only the barest hint of love. Then, in the way of love letters sometimes, he regrets sending it (There's a beautiful poem at the beginning, about love letters, that is really appropriate.)

The next night, Spock comes to Kirk's apartment. A wonderful moment: Kirk afraid he's put Spock off. But quite the contrary—Spock was compelled to reply in person. Done so beautifully, I was swept away toof when Spock sweeps Kirk into his arms and kisses him. That barest hint of love in Kirk's letter had spoken so clearly to Spock, and they declare their love, and Spock will never leave him again....

Nice, nice story. [1]


Kirk is so lovable in this one. I like a Kirk who is a bit timid about what to do about Spock (at least in the post Gol or post death phases). Spock reading between the lines and knowing Kirk well enough, and trusting him enough, to go to him - I like him too. [2]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #4
  2. ^ from The K/S Press #21