Weddings, Plural, and a Yak

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Title: Weddings, Plural, and a Yak
Author(s): Speranza
Date(s): 2008
Length: Words:17676
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: at AO3

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Weddings, Plural, and a Yak is a McShep story by Speranza.


By the eighth time John Sheppard married Rodney McKay, they were old pros at the wedding thing, having weathered not only an Ouishan blood wedding, but also a twelve-hour Avalonian handfasting, a Malanese necklace exchange, and a Thurtu joining ceremony that invoked a fire god and featured seven kinds of cake.

Reactions and Reviews


Weddings, Plural, and a Yak, from cesperanza, is another kind of psychologically complex, the kind where a character's obliviousness seems like it could compete at the olympic level they're trying so hard. It's a speciality of hers, and it just works so well for John. SGA, John/Rodney, not worksafe. [1]


Aliens made them do it get married. A lot. Oh, and Rodney adopts an alien kid. This is a solid, entertaining story. Not too angsty, not too light, just humorous forced-marriage (without the forced sex, yay) scenarios, sweet-but-not-saccharine kid moments, and just enough smut to keep things interesting. Ideal for anyone looking to spend an enjoyable couple of hours on Atlantis.[2]


Just the right balance of silly, sweet, angsty and deep. Rodney and John participate in ceremonies across the galaxy, and Rodney adopts a small child sort of accidentally, and things get weird, but it all works itself out and it’s exactly the way it should be. That’s the main thing about Speranza’s work: it’s all just so beautifully wrapped up and leaves you feeling sated and thrilled. [3]


Speranza is another of those writers that you need to read - this is my favourite. It’s more canon than any of the others recc'd so far - basically John and Rodney get married A LOT in numerous off-world ceremonies. So cute![4]


  1. ^ *enters, with flourish*, minxy, March 31, 2008
  2. ^ "Rec at epic_recs, Aug 9, 2010". Archived from the original on 2024-05-27.
  3. ^ Author Appreciation Week: Speranza, May 10, 2015
  4. ^ "McShep Fic Recs". Archived from the original on 2024-05-27.