Watching the Sunrise

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Title: Watching the Sunrise
Author(s): Vera Barga
Date(s): 1987
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Watching the Sunrise is a Kirk/Spock story by Vera Barga.

It was published in the print zines First Time #9.


From the zine: "Kirk finds that his sexual orientation has changed since his tranference with Janice Lester and that his love for Spock has expanded to include sexual desire."

Reactions and Reviews

This is a lovely and thoroughly enjoyable story.

It's after the transference with Janice Lester. Kirk is alone and pondering his life... and Spock. How has he come to depend so thoroughly on Spock? To desire Spock? He blames it on the machine. He'd never desired a man before. Or has he? A talk with Dr. McCoy helps a bit, but Kirk is still unwilling to believe he had these feelings for Spock before the transference. During a talk with Spock, things take a disturbing turn when the Vulca abruptly leaves after learning of Kirk's desire for him. But Spock isn't repulsed. But he is confused. He goes to McCoy. Spock knows he can't have a casual relationship. He is open to expanding his and Kirk's relationship, but Kirk must be willing to bond with him. There can be no other way. After an exhaustive conversation with the doctor, Spock has his answer.

That night he goes to Kirk, and they come together and bond. There are still problems, one huge one that is finally resolved with the help of a gentle and observant alien crew member. All comes to a very satisfying ending.[1]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #198