Waking William

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Title: Waking William
Author(s): Felisblanco
Date(s): 2003
Genre: slash
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel the Series
External Links: LJ link, RedSoulmates (archived link)

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Waking William is an Angel/Spike story by Felisblanco and it is their first fanfic story.[1]

Summary: Post Buffy Season 6 and AtS S3x1. Spike, the soul boy, makes his way to L.A. Parts marked with a star (*) are the thoughts of Spike’s demon.

Recs and Reviews

Spike has gotten his soul and he still has his chip. When he arrives in LA he is nearly dead from the abuse an attractive man who can't fight back, and who believes he deserves punishment, he has suffered. But the story goes off into some interesting directions beyond the h/c. [2]

I don't usually post comments but this story was wonderful. The plot, the dialogue, the love, the warmth of each character was amazing. Thank you for an enjoyable read and congrats on a job well done. You have a great talent for writing, I envy you. [3]

Ok, turning into stalker fangirl here, but damn chicky! This is an awesome story. i just found it, read it all in one sitting and loved every minute of it. Wow. love the humor, the shopping, the sex, the Luuurrrvve, Fred and Gunn, Connor's little punk ass. Loved it all. And I know it's been over a year since this last chapter was finished, but dammit, this DEMANDED feedback. Wow.[3]



  1. ^ Btvs/Ats fic list on Felisblanco's LJ, includes this summary for Waking William: "My first fic. Spike goes to L.A. instead of Sunnydale after getting his soul"
  2. ^ 5 favorite Spangel stories recced by Spikesjojo at Buffyversetop5
  3. ^ a b Comments on Chapter 13 of Waking William, at Felisblanco's LJ