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Vulcan Mastery

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Title: Vulcan Mastery
Author(s): CDM
Date(s): 1993
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Vulcan Mastery is a Kirk/Spock story by CDM.

It was published in Charisma #16.


"A "Mirror" universe story. Now that Spock has "summoned the future", and the ENTERPRISE is destroyed, he rules with a heavy hand, and some unfulfilled desires. Which is why, later, he has Kirk brought to him to serve as his love slave, a decision that does not set at all well with Kirk"

Reactions and Reviews


Just about flawless writing — very smooth.

I loved the Mirror parallel of the time between the end of the five-year mission and ST:TNG, although it was not done in an obviously related way.

The scenario was imaginative and plausible. Spock had left the Enterprise and concurrently the Vulcan/Romulan Alliance had defeated the Empire. The Enterprise was destroyed and Kirk captured. Now Spock is the master; Kirk is brought to him as one of his pleasure slaves.

Kirk's anger and humiliation are credible also and vividly depicted. He is hurt that Spock had left him and angry at being in his present position, after their having been loyal to each other after a fashion while serving the Empire together. He is blinded by his desire for revenge. He will not be a willing bondmate. He wants the power. Spock uses him sexually, using some mental manipulation, but Kirk will not be broken. Very Kirk. Spock's sex with Pymm the Andorian, his favorite (before Kirk came of course) slave, was interestingly different than the usual humanoid stuff.

I loved the friendship between Spock and his closest man, Sajann. Spock had commanded Sajann to not bring Kirk to him when he came into pon farr. But Kirk hears the fevered screams in his mind, and in a forced meld with Sajann, finally realizes there is love beneath his anger...

Spock's needs are unsatisfied after four days of fucking and he retreats into his mind; he will die without Kirk. Kirk finally goes to him, forces him to live, to love...

Exquisite pon farr intensity. Fine sex.

Excellent intensity at the end, when Spock still wants to deny that they can love. Kirk makes love to a poignantly helpless Spock. Every moment of that scene is expressed so beautifully. Very fine! [1]

This is a 25-page alternate universe slave story. It's very erotic and quite well written. The minor characters are "fleshed out". Both Sajann and Pymn are fully developed people--not just plot devices. I enjoyed this story. [2]

CDM's story "Vulcan Mastery" is my favorite. Very erotic. Sajaan was a wonderful character. Pymm I disliked, but then that's a compliment to the writer, too. She makes her secondary characters come alive. They aren't cardboard figures to just help the plot advance. She's a talented writer, and I do hope she writes some more stories for you. [3]


  1. ^ from The LOC Connection #57 (1993)
  2. ^ from The LOC Connection #50
  3. ^ from Charisma #17