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Name/s: RestlessThoughts
Fandom/s: Supernatural, Cobra Kai, MCYT
You can find me at:
On Fanlore: My contributions / email me


I'm mostly a lurker but occasionally bouts of inspiration/memory strike me that I feel like sharing through editing wiki pages.

I tend to overwrite pages sometimes. Like when given the advice to tell enough canon for someone to understand the subject, I initially took that to mean 'enough canon to understand why someone would be a fan of it' or 'enough canon to understand this fandom reference' but now I think it was meant to be taken as 'enough canon to understand the bare minimum definition in two sentences or less.' Oops.

Fannish History

I used to be big on Supernatural and devouring all the gossip and drama, but that stuffs a lil bad for your soul xD

Current Favorites

BadBoyHalo, a MCYTer, is my current interest and things related to him. It's the fandom I'm currently in enough to see the drama about.

Notes to Self