Ursula (Disney character)

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Name: Ursula
Relationships: Ariel
Fandom: The Little Mermaid, Once Upon a Time
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Ursula is a main character in the Disney film The Little Mermaid. She also appears in Once Upon a Time.


Once Upon a Time

Ursula shows up as three different characters in Once Upon a Time. The first time she appears is when Regina pretends to be Ursula in season 3 to trick Ariel into helping her capture Snow White. Ariel says the goddess Ursula hasn't been seen in a long time, and at the end of the episode a statue of Ursula comes to life to tell Regina that if she ever impersonates her again, the consequences won't be so light.[1]

The third time an Ursula shows up is with the other Queens of Darkness, Cruella de Vil and Maleficent. This Ursula was named after the goddess and born a mermaid. She is a young, innocent mermaid whose voice is taken by her father leading her down a path of darkness.[2] As an adult later in the series she regains her voice.



Once Upon a Time

The most popular pairing with Ursula is Cruella/Ursula, also known as Sea Devil. Cruella/Maleficent/Ursula and Cruella/Maleficent/Regina/Ursula are also common.



Archives & Fannish Links


  • Ursula at Once Upon a Time Wiki



  1. ^ "Ariel" at Once Upon a Time Wiki
  2. ^ Ursula at Once Upon a Time Wiki