Unholy Act

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Title: Unholy Act
Author(s): Nicole B.
Date(s): 05 April 1997
Length: 8,022 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Unholy Act (Angst Archive)
Unholy Act (Whispers of X)
Unholy Act (MTA)

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Unholy Act is Mulder/Krycek slash story by Nicole B.

Summary: Mulder runs afoul of the Cancerman and his cronies while on an assignment, then finds comfort from an unexpected source.

This is slash, folks. For the uninitiated, slash is fanfiction that has to do with same-sex pairings. Definitely NC 17. Minors turn back. Those of delicate sensibilities, go away. Comments always welcomed, flames always ignored. This is a rape story. This story takes place after the events of Ascension and One Breath, but before Anasazi.

Recs and Reviews

Plain Old Rape (if there is such a thing...) XF: Unholy Act by Nicole B has Krycek rescuing Mulder a little too late.[1]
