Turtles All The Way Down

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Name: Turtles All the Way Down
Creator: John Green
Date(s): 2017
Medium: Book
Country of Origin: United States
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Turtles All the Way Down is a young adult novel by John Green. It focuses on Aza Holmes, a sixteen-year-old with severe obsessive-compulsive disorder. She and her best friend Daisy end up entangled in a mystery involving her old camp crush, Davis, but even the prospect of an adventure can't stem Aza's constant panic and fear of everything from germs to alienating her friends to whether or not she actually exists.

A subplot of the book involves Daisy writing Star Wars fanfiction and trying to engage Aza in her fannish activities. Her OTP is the interspecies crack pairing of Rey/Chewbacca, which she passionately defends. For the first chunk of the book Daisy's fannishness is simply a quirk that fleshes out her character, but later on Aza actually reads her fanfics and discovers they include a whiny, panicky basket case of a character who is Aza in all but name.

John Green announced a film of the book in 2017. [1] The movie is still in development.


The fandom for the book is currently very small, with only three published fics on AO3. So far, Davis/Aza seems to be the most popular pairing.

The book has gotten a good number of positive reviews from fans and critics alike, but many fans also criticized the story for being "dull," "plotless," "bland," and felt Aza was just another author avatar for Green [2] due to his writing Aza with OCD similar to his own. Some also feel the book doesn't stack up with his earlier works, such as Paper Towns and Looking For Alaska.

Most positive reviews praised the book for its raw and uncompromising portrayal of OCD and how it can make even the simple things in life a major ordeal.



