Transporter Revenge

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Title: Transporter Revenge
Author(s): A.T. Bush
Date(s): 1984
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Transporter Revenge is a K/S story by A.T. Bush.

It was published in the print zine Alternaties #2.


M/U: "Kyle transports Kirk and Spock to a barren planet and leaves them there to die. An insane Kyle transports ISS Kirk and Spock to a literal Hell. To survive they must turn to each other, and find what no Imperial man should need - or want."

Reactions and Reviews


Extreme situations call for extreme measures, and that's what one gets in this wonderfully wild and daring tale of sex, semen, and survival. I enjoyed the author's handling of this subject. The Mirror Universe Kirk and Spock must face their ultimate demise, but neither one will give up or allow the other to die. It was bitingly gritty, graphic, and wrenching to both of them. The story was also improbable and sensational, but for the story purposes it certainly was thrilling. What if Kirk and Spock faced certain death? The author answered this question in a thoroughly shocking way, which was at the same time mildly repugnant, strangely compelling, and greatly entertaining. [1]
