Time Traveler Big Bang

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Name: Time Traveler Big Bang
Date(s): 2012
Moderator(s): deadflowers5
Founder: deadflowers5
Type: Big Bang - Fanfiction, Fanart
Fandom: Multifandom
URL: timetraveler-bb
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The Time Traveler Big Bang was a multifandom big bang challenge focused on the time travel trope. Authors had to write a minimum of 10,000 words, and artists had to create a minimum of one piece of a medium of their choice.


Title: Everybody Lives aka The Story of River Song
Author: jesterlady
Artist: slowsunrise
Fandom: Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Spoilers for all of New Who.
Word Count: 31,266
Beta: exmanhater
Summary: River Song's life from beginning to end

Title: The Adventures of Rose Harkness-Jones
Author: csichick_2
Artist: mysedai
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: PG-13
Warning: retcon and regeneration
Word Count: 10,016 (AO3 said differently when I posted it, but I swear that's what my word processor says)
Beta: rinkafic
Note: For purposes of this story, Children of Earth never happened.
Summary: When Jack and Ianto's daughter turns eighteen, she takes The Doctor up on his invitation to travel with him. She ends up experiencing much more than she ever expected.

Title: My Heart Nearer to Thee
Author: sara_wolf
Artist: rebeccaann08
Fandom: Charmed
Rating: T/PG13
Warning: character death
Word Count: 31,312
Beta: the amazing liron-aria
Summary: When Phoebe's husband and son are abducted to a dangerous alternate universe, the sisters must travel across reality to save them.

Title: Of Best Friends and Time Machines
Author: x_disturbed_x
Artist: yeclek
Fandom: Original
Rating: PG
Warning: None
Word Count: 10,045
Beta: My girlfriend. She doesn't have an lj, however. :)
Summary: After building a time machine, Caden faces an overly involved friend who disregards the rules of time and space, someone from the future who apparently has a crush on him, and a very stressful accident which lands him in the middle of the Salem Witch Trials.

Title: Ten Million Fireflies
Author: clover71
Artist: clover71
Fandom: The Secret Circle (TV)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 17K+
Beta: radcliffe_bass
Summary: When a new guy in town befriends Adam, Jake not only gets suspicious but he gets insanely jealous and when the guy reveals he's from a distant future, secrets that may or may not change their lives start to unfold.

Title: Finding What Matters
Author: scoobydumblonde
Artist: whogate
Fandom: WWExPrimeval Rating: PG-13
Warning: none
Word Count: 10,134
Beta: a friend not on lj or livejournal.
Summary: Evan Bourne wanders through an anomaly and it's up to Abby and Becker with the help of Trish to save him from the dangers of the prehistoric era. Once they find him, they're trapped, but at least they're

Title: Chronic Lovers
Author: Allysse, amaranthine_7
Artist: nickygabriel
Fandom: Original
Rating: PG
Warning: The time travel element is not really present. The characters are reincarnated through times. The story mainly takes place in present time but past lives are mentioned.
Word Count: 14,290
Beta: Sadly none. I don't have one and didn't have the time to look for one. So all mistakes you'll see are mine.
Summary: Anna and Agathe have been regularly reincarnated through time since Antiquity. They are condemned to live their lives over and over, endlessly searching for each other. However they don't always remember who they are from birth. This time, in the 21st century, Anna remembers very well who she is and the existence of Agathe but instead of looking for her she buries herself in her work. Until one day she gets a call from a friend coming from her pasts, Liander. Agathe is alive, living in France. The only problem is that Agathe doesn't remember her past lives and has no idea who Anna is.