Throw Away the Flowers

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Title: Throw Away the Flowers
Author(s): audrarose
Date(s): 14 December 2010
Length: 3,390 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Throw Away the Flowers (AO3) (defunct LJ link)

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Throw Away the Flowers is a Steve/Danny story by audrarose.

Summary: For the schmoop bingo prompt 'cloud watching', which I decided should be done with as much h/c as possible. Plus porn. Oh, WOW, do I love this show. (Title swiped from Sia's 'Clouds')

Recs and Reviews

Lots of us write from prompts, but it takes a special kind of writer to take "cloud watching" and turn it into a fantastic hurt/comfort piece. Danny's got Steve, but they're running from the bad guys, they're waiting for an extraction team, and, oh yeah, Steve's been shot up with something that's already killed three people. And that's just the beginning!

This is the Danny I love best. He's fierce and loyal and worried as hell, and he'll do whatever he has to do to keep Steve conscious. He talks--because it's what he's best at--and the steady stream of jibes and insults is so in character you can feel Danny's desperation.

What I like about this story is that it's what I imagine the show could be at its very best (with a smidge of porn!) Danny feels everything intensely; Steve tries to brush off danger--but when it matters, they find a way to meet in the middle. Or perhaps on the hood of the Camaro (and if there's anyone out there who doesn't find that hot, I can't help you.)[1]

In which Steve goes in without back-up. Yet again. Danny is so not pleased. Okay, so, you know how sometimes a fic is so brilliantly good you literally want to jump up and do a silly dance with flaily arms? Yeah. This one. Guh.[2]

Sometimes a girl just needs a H/C fix, right? If she's really lucky, something this excellent will pop up right as she's thinking that and she'll manage to read it on her phone in between a long day of RL and once again prove out the truth in how she does have a life--fandom is what keeps her from committing murder in it.[3]


  1. ^ laceymcbain in: crack_van. Throw Away the Flowers by audrarose (Mature), 28 February 2012. (Accessed 08 June 2016)
  2. ^ reeface. In the meantime, insta-recs!, 09 December 2010. (Accessed 09 June 2016)
  3. ^ topaz119. h5-0 things that made me happy, 19 December 2010. (Accessed 13 June 2016)