This is Me Series

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Title: This is Me Series
Author(s): Jennifer Lyons
Genre: slash
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
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This is Me Series is a Stargate SG-1 Jack/Daniel series of fiction by Jennifer Lyons.


  • This is Me
  • Coming Clear
  • Coming Together
  • Coming Home
  • Who are You?
  • Coming to Terms
  • This is Us

Reactions and Reviews

I love this series I have ever since I first read it. It has a wonderful sweetness to it that has always made me like it a great deal. Most of it is rated PG-13, except for Parts 3 and 7 which carry an NC-17 rating. The first two parts are even pre-slash. The characters don't really get together until the 3rd part. The buildup is necessary though and shows you the feelings that are undercurrent and about to rise to the surface. Jack and Daniel really care for one another in this series and it shows. It's one of those simple pleasures that you just can't miss.[1]

Slash Slut's Stargate SG-1 Recs

The *This is Me* series by Jennifer Lyon is one of my favorites in the Stargate fandom. It is a very sweet series of stories where Jack and Daniel come to realize their love for one another and start up a relationship. The first two are basically pre-slash, but the build up is needed to show the emotions that Jack is realizing he has for Daniel. This is a very romantic series that has a few emotional ups and downs for the boys, but they stick together through it. Parts 3 and 7 are NC-17, but the rest are PG-13.[2]

...speaking of prolific writers, Jennifer’s work spreads out over too many different fandoms to list! Fortunately, she’s turned her attention to Stargate, and has offered this profound series.[3]

This short story - only 9KB or 3 printed pages - is the first in a series of seven vignettes that deal with Jack and Daniel's evolving relationship, but it can be read as a complete story in its own right. "This Is Me" is an interesting look, from a limited third person point of view, at Jack's emotional reactions on the anniversary of Charlie's death.

The author has captured Jack's feelings of grief very well, and one of the elements I like most is the genuine feeling of emotional angst that's portrayed throughout. Although the occasional sentence is a little too emotional for me at times ("tears broke free of his eyes, blinding salty raindrops that took a piece of him with them as they burned their way down his cheeks") the text is generally expressive without being too sentimental. It succeeds through a careful build-up of tension, as layer upon layer of Jack's feelings are gradually revealed. It culminates in a confrontation with Daniel, and his reaction is the crux of the story's plot - one I liked very much.

The author's characterisation of Jack, along with his response to strong emotion, is handled with dexterity, and I really enjoyed some of the descriptive images: "He swallowed the wave of pain that threatened to engulf him with the oily ease of long practice." This Jack struggles against revealing too much of himself but is eventually defeated by Daniel's sincerity and open friendship, which I found perfectly believable within the context of this story.

There are some really sweet moments between Daniel and Jack. In an interesting reversal of the usual slash scenario that nearly always has Jack comforting Daniel, Daniel takes charge at the end and provides a practical outlet for Jack's emotional turbulence. I found this intriguing, and a pleasant change from the majority of Stargate stories that tend to display a more passive Daniel.

The language and grammar is nicely done overall. There are rather a lot of ellipses which bother me a little, especially since there's a tendency to overuse them in fandom as a whole, but that's just one of my personal pet peeves and other readers will probably have no problem with it. Daniel's characterisation is rather oblique, as we see him only through Jack's eyes. Jack's view of his friend hovers on the edge of idealisation, with its emphasis on the rather cliched fanon description of his "bright azure eyes", and the way he uses them (almost as a weapon at times, it seems!) to get Jack to talk. This story is technically pre-slash but could be read as gen: there is nothing here that would offend a non-slasher's sensibilities, only a deep understanding and friendship portrayed between the two men. "This Is Me" is rather a secret pleasure of mine. It's one of the earliest slash stories I ever read and I come back to it regularly when I need a nice, sweet, relaxing friendship story to read, with no sex and the promise of a happy ending.[4]

These are amongst the very first Stargate stories I ever read and I still have a fondness for them, despite the fact that the language is rather too sugary for me in places these days and the fanon is inches thick. These stories still hit a kink for me: they're quite simple, very sweet, they involve somebody (in this case Sara and her father) finding out about the guys' relationship, and they have an uncomplicated happy ending - and sometimes I just want to read that sort of story.[5]
